Hey, whatever happened to that guy from that TV show I kinda remember from when I was a kid? is a parody of The Flintstones.
This segment is from the episode, Battleship vs Titanic / Jurassic Parks and Recreation.
- Announcer
- Fred Flintstone
- Dino
- Yo Gabba Gabba! Cast
- Alfred E. Neuman
- Audience
Announcer: And Now It's Time For "Hey, whatever happened to that guy from that TV show I kinda remember from when I was a kid?" Fred Flintstone started a self title, The Flintstones from 1960...
Fred: Oh no!
Announcer: Until they realized that cavemen didn't exist the same time as dinosaurs.
(Fred Flintstone disappears)
Announcer: Also his pet Dino died.
(A Meteor crashes and Dino gets blown to smithereens)
Announcer: After lending his image to everything from kid shows, to hair gel...
Fred: That's a Yabba Dabba Doo!
Announcer: Fred became oversaturated and left the business. In 1997, He attempted a brief comeback as a standup comic.
Fred: So the brontosaurs says... Jurrass-king me?
Alfred E. Neuman: Say Yabba Dabba Doo!
Fred: I don't do that anymore. This is a new act. And speaking of acts, how about that-"
Alfred E. Neuman: Say Yabba Dabba Doo!
Fred: C'mon man, give me a break.
All: (chant) Say Yabba Dabba Doo! Say Yabba Dabba Doo! Say Yabba Dabba Doo!
Announcer: But the act died, just like Dino.
- Alfred E. Neuman makes a cameo in this segment as an audience member at the comedy club.