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2012 Dalmatians is a crossover between 2012 and Disney's 102 Dalmatians.

This segment is from MAD Season 1, Episode 3: 2012 Dalmatians / Grey's in Anime.


When 2012 dalmatians come raining down from the sky, it just might be the end of the world.



2012 dalmatians

Video of short segment


  • Adrian Helmsley
  • Jackson Curtis
  • Noah Curtis
  • Lilly Curtis
  • Thomas Wilson
  • Carl Fredricksen
  • Flint Lockwood
  • Cruella de Vil
  • (Dylan Spouse) Zack Martin
  • (Cole Spouse) Cody Martin
  • Dalmatians


[Scene begins at Museum of Natural Mystery]


Adrian Helmsley: Welcome to the Museum of Natural Mystery. A place to learn about everything from dinosaurs [DINOSAUR] to prehistoric fossils. [FOSSIL]

Carl Fredricksen: Not me, you nitwit. He means the caveman bones.

[Scene goes to caveman bones similar to Fred and Barney.]

Adrian Helmsley: Not to mention our wall of ancient hieroglyphics, or as it's more commonly known, "The Diary of a Wimpy Mayan." These writings warn of a mystery surrounding the number 2012. Some say it's the year the world will end, some say it's a superstitious tale, I say... it's the price of admission.

[The sign says $20.12.]

Jackson Curtis: $20? That's ridiculous. I can bore my kids just as easily with a long car ride.

Noah and Lilly Curtis: Oh, no.

Jackson Curtis: (Kids are covering their ears) ...And then in 1989, I held a boombox over my head. Boomboxes were like MP3 players, but much heavier. Hey, kids, look. A shooting star. Make a wish.

Noah Curtis: I wish you'd stop talking.

Jackson Curtis: Wait a minute. You can't see shooting stars in the DAY.

[Scene goes to four unidentified objects falling from sky and heading towards the car.]

[Suddenly, a puppy crashes through the window.]

Lilly Curtis: A puppy!

[Puppy licks her]

Jackson Curtis: But not just one of 'em.

[Scene goes to the title card "2012 Dalmatians"]

[Scene goes to puppies falling and yipping.]

[A puppy hits the car's tires and they skid.]

[Curtis family goes inside Madeline's Beauty Salon]

Jackson Curtis: Quick someone turn on the television.

[Television turns on]

Thomas Wilson: This is the president. (Dalmatians are seen falling behind the window.) It seems we've all been condemned to eternal dalmatian. Ha, ha, ha, ha! See what I did there, with the- Anyway, puppies of all sizes are landin' so hard, it's wreaking havoc across the world! On the ocean...

Zack Martin: I'm using hot dogs for bait.

Thomas Wilson: ...on land...

[Scene goes to a statue shaped like Alfred E. Neuman being destroyed]

Thomas Wilson: ...and at Ocean Land.

[Scene goes to Shamu jumping out of the water and being boinged by a dalmatian, which changed the patterns.]

Random Dalmatian: Whoa.

Thomas Wilson: But at this time, Emergency plans are spotty at best. Get it? Spotty. Guhh! Anyway, you're on your own.

[Scene goes to Thomas Wilson running out. Also a big puppy falls down barking.]

[Thomas Wilson gets tangled by a flea collar. He falls down and grunts.]

Thomas Wilson: Wow, I just got collared.

[crickets chirp]

Thomas Wilson: Anyone?

[Scene goes to Flint Lockwood running but gets caught in a brown ball.]

Flint Lockwood: Uhh. This had better be a meatball.

Jackson Curtis: We gotta fix this dog situation.

[Puppy dog eyes get big making boing sound]

Jackson Curtis: (Puppy shivers in fear) I- I don't mean "fix", I mean lead them away somewhere.

Lilly Curtis: I got a dog treat.

[Jackson opens the door]

[Scene goes to two-thousand and eleven of dalmatians flooding]

Jackson Curtis: We're gonna need a bigger bone.

[Scene goes to the dalmatians knocking down the ship.]

Zack and Cody Martin: Whaah!

[Scene goes to the dalmatians flooding the Curtis family.]

[A dolphin chatters in the background and then splashes back in.]

Jackson Curtis: That's it! (Runs into the museum)

Noah Curtis: That's it? Jeez, on the log flume, you at least get your picture taken.

[Jackson Curtis runs out of the museum with a dinosaur bone.]

Lilly Curtis: A dinosaur bone?

[Jackson ties bone to car and runs with it, making the puppies follow it and some are arfing.]

Lilly Curtis: They're following us.

Noah Curtis: Where are we going?

Jackson Curtis: You'll see. Just get ready to jump. 3, 2, now.

[Curtis family jumps out while car goes downsteam with it's tire skidding with the puppies following it barking.]

[The car and puppies fall off a cliff]

Cruella de Vil: Hmm. Did I leave the kettle on?

[Dalmatians falls on Cruella]

Cruella de Vil: Ohh!

[Puppies arf]

Cruella de Vil: Uhh. why do I live in a canyon?

[A puppy slurps her]

Noah Curtis: Nice goin', Dad.

Jackson Curtis: Well, now we know what 2012 stands for.

Adrian Helmsley: Yeah. It's the price of that dinosaur bone.

[Segment ends with Jackson paying Adrian Helmsley]


  • In the beginning, the museum looked similar the the American Museum of Natural History (which was used for Night at the Museum).
  • The cavemen bones looked similar to Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble.
  • Jackson's car had a Hawaiian dancing lady toy.
  • The president was to represent Thomas Wilson, NOT Barack Obama.
  • Alfred E. Neuman was one of the structures on top of a building.
  • There were a lot of things 2012 stood for like:
    1. The year the world will end
    2. A superstitious tale
    3. The price of admission
    4. The price of the dinosaur bone
  • The museum shares a name with a popular cryptozoology website.
  • Antagonists: Cruella de Vil and Dalmatians 1 to 2011
  • Protagonist: Curtis's Family
  • This is the first time Diary of a Wimpy Kid gets spoofed.
  • Greg Heffley, Patty Ferrall and Fregley can be briefly seen on the Diary of a Wimpy Mayan exhibit.
  • Carl Fredricksen's jacket is purple instead of brown.