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ArTHOR is a crossover between Arthur and Thor.

This segment is from MAD Season 1, Episode 24: ArTHOR / The Big Fang Theory.


ArTHOR is a vain and spoiled god who is sent to Earth to get a job.

5-second Cartoon[]

MAD runs out of money in the budget for an after-credits cameo.


5-second Cartoon[]


5-second Cartoon[]


(Segment begins at the place Asgard, the scene goes to somebody sleeping in bed snoring, the clock that says "9:29" turns into "9:30" and makes an alarm sound, ArTHOR in bed breaks it with hammer, Odin walks in and turns light off and on)

ArTHOR: Dad, I just want to sleep more.

Odin: You are a vain, greedy, and cruel boy.

(ArTHOR is heard snoring)

Odin: You are unworthy! (Odin picks up the hammer with power) And until you learn how to conduct yourself like an adult, I cast you off!

(Odin summons a magic wand and casts ArTHOR on the bed making him land in the middle of the desert)

(Scene goes to ArTHOR getting up and Rango appearing)

Rango: Well, you just crash landed in dirt. who are you?

ArTHOR: I am a god. But you can call me... ArTHOR. Yeah, I said it.

(Scene goes to title card "ArTHOR" with rain and thunder pouring.)

(Scene goes to Rango and ArTHOR trying to get a ride)

Rango: A god? Well, you must be invulnerable.

ArTHOR: Yes, but- (HONK! BUMP!) It still hurts.

(ArTHOR gets up looking hurt)

Jane Foster: Is this yours?

(She picks up the dismembered arm)

ArTHOR: No, but I think I know whose it is. I'll just hold it for him.

(Scene goes to "Dirt Dinner")

Jane Foster: I can't believe you're a god from another world.

ArTHOR: So? I can't believe you took a job with Ashton Kutcher. Doesn't mean it ain't true.

Jane Foster: You seem so un-godlike.

ArTHOR: That's because my dad cut me off from my power until I learn how to act more responsibly.

Jane Foster: Like how?

ArTHOR: You know, get a job, marry my fiancee, pick up a check every now and then.

Tammy: I'll take the bill whenever you're ready.

(ArTHOR begins to slide the bill to Jane)

ArTHOR: (Whistles)

(ArTHOR slides it to Jane again)

ArTHOR: Ahem.

(Scene goes to "Jim's Boxing Gym" with a bell dings)

(ArTHOR is seen warming up by punching)

Rango: ArTHOR, we need to find you a job.

ArTHOR: I'm taking boxing lessons from my new friend Captain America.

Captain America: You looking for a job? Maybe you could join S.H.I.E.L.D. like me.

ArTHOR: Oh, but I don't have a shield like you.

Captain America: You don't need a shield, it's just a name.

ArTHOR: I have wings like you. I could join a group called W.I.N.G.S. if you'd like.

(Short silence)

Rango: He, uhh, he don't got to be smart for this job, does he?

(Scene goes to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s headquarters building)

Phil Coulson: So you have what it takes to join S.H.I.E.L.D, but your references are a girl you just met and a chameleon.

Chameleon: Whoops.

(Chameleon changes back into Rango)

Rango: (Acting nervously) This is definitely not a secret plan to infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D., by the way. (Laughs nervously)

Phil Coulson: Oh. Well, ok, then. You're in.

Rango: Now you just have to marry your fiancee.

ArTHOR: But I don't love her, Rango. I love Jane.

(ArTHOR holds Jane's hands and little hearts appear near Jane)

Rango: Then we'll just have to explain it to her.

ArTHOR: That's not going to be easy.

Rango: Well, why not?

(Rumbling can be heard)

(ArTHOR and Rango see through the window)

ArTHOR: That's my fiancee.

(Scene goes to the Destroyer wrecking the city)

The Destroyer: (Roars)

Rango: Whoa! Is that an enchanted suit of armor?

ArTHOR: Yeah, her mother wore it at her wedding, now she wants to wear it at ours. Blah blah blah.

(Scene goes to the Destroyer wrecking the city)

Rango: Uh, excuse me. I know this isn't easy to hear, but ArTHOR loves someone else now.

(The Destroyer opens helmet and shoots flames at Rango, leaving him burned)

ArTHOR: Are you OK?

(Rango falls down not saying a word)

Jane Foster: ArTHOR, help!

(Scene goes to the Destroyer with Jane in its hand onto a construction site building)

Jane Foster: Save me! Aah!

(Scene goes to Mario and Donkey Kong eating lunch)

ArTHOR: Excuse me, sir. I need to borrow this.

(Scene goes to ArTHOR trying to save Jane in a Donkey Kong (Video Game) style; also, video game sounds are heard)

(ArTHOR saves Jane and the Destroyer climbs up stairs.)

(ArTHOR jumps down to Rango and Phil Coulson)

Jane Foster: You did it, ArTHOR.

ArTHOR: Now my power can be restored.

(Hammer falls on ArTHOR's head)

ArTHOR: Thanks, dad.

(Segment ends)

5-second Cartoon[]

(5-Second Cartoon segment begins with ArTHOR, Jane, Rango and Phil, basically where we left off)

ArTHOR: Isn't there supposed to be a special cameo or something after the credits?

Phil Coulson: Sorry, we ran out of money in the budget.

(The crew walks away)

(Meanwhile, the scene goes to a mysterious person looking like Nick Fury facing backwards only revealing a bald head and jacket)

Crowd: (Cheers)

(Mysterious Person that looks like Nick Fury turns around only to see Alfred's head.)

Crowd: Oh.

(Segment ends again)


  • This is the 16th segment that the name of a MAD parody is said.
  • ArTHOR's fiancé has some of the roars from Gamera.
  • When ArTHOR was getting up, there was a sign saying "Dirt, pop: 12."
  • The menu for "Dirt Dinner" said Eggs, bacon and coffee for $1.99.
  • While ArTHOR and Jane were talking in "Dirt Dinner," Rango was busy eating flies.
  • When ArTHOR said that Jane took a job with Ashton, that was a parody of No Strings Attached because in that movie, Natalie Portman (who played Jane) had to play a role to have a relationship with Ashton.
  • The Woman Clerk (Known as "Tammy" because of name tag) was seen with no head (Because she was tall).
  • The S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters building allowed public parking because of the sign.
  • ArTHOR saved Jane in a Donkey Kong video game style. (With he using the hammer and the monster throwing barrels.)
  • Mario's colors on his outfit in this sketch Resembles His appearance on the boxart for Pinball, although His cap is orange instead of blue making similar one of Luigi's alternative costumes from Super Smash Bros since Super Smash Bros Brawl
  • This is the first time Rango gets spoofed. (He re-appeared in Addition Impossible.)
  • Antagonist: The Destroyer
  • Innuendo: In Latin America, this episode is called "ArTHOR Seductor Inmortal" which translated means "ArTHOR Seductive Inmortal".
    • Also, after ArTHOR is being rolled by a car Jane asks him if the dismembered arm is his.
    • The restaurant where ArTHOR, Jane and Rango went is called "Dirt Dinner".