Average-ers is a take-off of the Avengers.
This segment is from MAD Season 3, Episode 9 (61): Average-ers / Legend of Dora.
Nick Fury needs to save the world with whatever heroes don't have their own movies to make.
- Iron Man
- Black Widow
- Hawkeye
- Thor
- Hulk / Bruce Banner
- Captain America
- Nick Fury
- Phil Coulson
- Loki
- Erik Selvig
- Stan Lee
- Joss Whedon
- Edward Norton
- Mark Ruffalo
- the Incredible Hulk
- Scarlett Johansson
- Cosmic Cube
- Rubik's Cube
- Superman
- Batman
- the Dark Knight Rises
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Firefly
- Serenity
- the Annoying Orange
MAD References[]
- Captain American't
- I Love You, Iron Man
- This Means War Machine
- TransBOREmores 3: Dark of the Blue Moon
- Iron Man
- Black Widow
- Hawkeye
- Thor
- Hulk / Bruce Banner
- Captain America
- Nick Fury
- Phil Coulson
- Pokie (Loki)
- Erik Selvig
- Stan Lee
- Joss Whedon
(Starts at the base... where Pokie is unexpected to appear... and Hulk goes on an unexpected rampage for more screen time.)
Nick Fury: Professor Selvig! Hawkeye! How's the cube?
Professor Selvig: Just fine, Director Fury.
Nick Fury: Really. Cause it looks like it's about to unleash EVIL into this world!
Professor Selvig: Oh, THAT cube. I thought you meant (holds a rubiks cube) this one. Yeah, That one's ready to blow.
Hawkeye: I'll stop it!
(Hawkeye stops the winding and out pops Pokie)
Nick Fury: GET HIM!
(Pokie pokes Professor Selvig, Hawkeye, and two gaurds)
Pokie: Poke, poke, poke, poke, steal!
Four Evil Poked Guys: AAAAAAHHHH!
Nick Fury: We need to get that cube back! But it's gonna take someone EXTRORDINARY!
Phil Coulson: Uhh, Superman's actually busy at the moment.
Nick Fury: How about someone REALLY GOOD?
Phil Coulson: Batman has his own movie this year.
Nick Fury: WELL?! WHO DO WE HAVE?!
(Title card: Average-ers)
Captain America: Captain America reporting for the Average-ers, sir!
Nick Fury: Good. A power source with unimaginable strengh is been stolen by a guy named Pokie.
Captain America: Um, Pretty sure his name is Loki.
Nick Fury: Were you here?! Do you see all the poking he was doing? I like MY name better!
Captain America: Where is he now?
Black Widow: Doing what all super villians do, a speaking tour.
(At the "Three Lo-Keys To Happiness" tour)
Pokie: And that's why I will one day rule you all! Any questions?
Old Man: Yeah, I came in late. Has the Hulk shown up yet?
Pokie: No, because we need EXPOSITION!
Captain America: Alright Pokie! You're coming with Captain America!
Iron Man: Not so fast! He's coming with IRON MAN!
Thor: Nah! Pokie is coming with THOR!
Old Man: How about Hulk? Can the Hulk show up NOW?
Captain America, Iron Man, Thor: NO, NOT YET!
(Back at base)
Nick Fury: Good work, team! Pokie is now our prisoner!
Black Widow: Wait...That's been his plan all along. To get on board and get Bruce angry so he turns into the Hulk!
Nick Fury: How can you tell?
Black Widow: Cause he's making him watch Annoying Orange.
Bruce Banner: Did you say angry or bored?
(On board a fighter jet)
Professor Selvig: Hawkeye, our evil eyes means we're a team now, how do you plan on getting Pokie out of that ship? Hammer? Shield? Repulsar rays?
Hawkeye: Better! I have an arrow!
Professor Selvig: Best of luck to you.
(Launches rocket, which rips apart the ship)
Black Widow: Is it the Hulk?
Nick Fury: No. Luckilly we got Bruce AWAY from Pokie just in time!
(Another room.)
Captain America: How are you feeling?
Bruce Banner: Fine.
Tony Stark: Good! Cause we got to suit up and get ready for the final battle!
Bruce Banner: Wait, the movie's almost OVER?! (goes angry) HULK'S HARDLY IN IT!
(Bruce turns into the Hulk)
Hulk: Give Hulk less screen time than everyone else! (Slams Cap and Tony)
Hulk: (While running behing Black Widow) Make Hulk run behind Scarlett Johannson!
(Cuts to Stan Lee and some other guy)
Stan Lee: Excel--
Hulk: (Beats down Stan Lee) Give Stan Lee more screen time than Hulk!
(Hulk runs to the Whedon house)
Hulk: (Beats down Joss Whedon) Give Firefly only one season!
(Back at base)
Phil Coulson: Has anyone seen Mark Ruffalo? I want to get him to sign my Edward Norton Hulk DVD.
(Hulk barges in)
Hulk: Let Norton have his whole movie as Hulk, will ya?!
(Phil Coulson goes through a portal, and...)
Iron Man: Look at that. Thanks to Coulson, we banded together and Pokie was destroyed.
Black Widow: But that's not how...
Iron Man: Trust me, it's the same thing. Just quicker.
Bruce Banner: What happened?
Hawkeye: Well I turned good again, the villian was destroyed, and now were a team just in time for the credits.
Bruce Banner: Wait! The movie's OVER?! (goes angry again) HULK'S HARDLY IN IT!!
(Bruce Banner turns into the Hulk)
(Hulk crashes the camera and segment ends)
5-second Cartoon[]
(The Avengers are eating lunch.)
Hulk: (calmly) Okay, that's enough time.
- Antagonists: Pokie and Hulk / Bruce Banner
- This is the 34th segment that the name of a MAD parody is said.
- Eric Bana was the only actor in the Hulk series to not be mentioned in this sketch.
- First time the Annoying Orange gets spoofed.
- Thor is not seen in the final battle and Hulk attacks the Avengers, he only appeared in to capture Pokie with Iron Man and Captain America, and Bruce Banner / Hulk watching the Annoying Orange.
- This sketch was originally going to spoofed with Total Recall, so instead, it was spoofed alone.
- Disgruntled by a lack of screen time, Hulk attacks the following people:
- Captain America and Iron Man (Because Hulk got less screen time than Everyone else)
- Black Widow (Hulk thinks he's running behind Scarlett Johansson)
- Stan Lee (For giving him more screen time for Hulk)
- Joss Whedon (For not making Firefly longer than one season)
- Phil Coulson (For owning a DVD of the Incredible Hulk)