Summary of Character[]

Bella Swan is one of the main characters of "The Twilight Saga", created by Stephenie Meyer. She has a love realationship with Edward Cullen. In the movies, she is played by Kristen Stewart.
Character Appearances in Show[]
Season 1[]
- Episode 7 The Twilight Saga: Eclipse: Herself watching the fight.
- Episode 18 Are You Karate Kidding Me?: Herself in the championship with Edward Cullen.
- Episode 18 Rejected Auditions: Herself with Fred Figglehorn.
- Episode 21 Cobrah: She as seen in Episode 7.
- Episode 23 Twigh School Musical: She chose to be a High School Musical character.
- Episode 24 The Big Fang Theory: Herself as the main character.
Season 2[]
- Episode 12 (38) MAD News: She is shown marrying Edward.
- Episode 13 (39) Abs-Duction: Herself on a poster.
- Episode 16 (42) Twilight: Staking Dawn: Herself as the main character.
- Episode 20 (46) Taylor Lautner's Deleted Twilight Shirtless Scenes: Kristen Stewart appears as Bella in the clips.
Season 3[]
- Episode 8 (60) The Blunder Games: Herself representing District Twilight.
- She is mostly voiced by Rachel Ramras.