CSiCarly is a crossover between CSI: Miami and iCarly.
This segment is from MAD Season 1, Episode 1: Avaturd / CSiCarly.
The CSI: Miami group gets paired up with Carly, Sam, and Freddie from iCarly to solve the mystery of a dead body.
- Horatio Caine
- Joe Williams
- Restaurant Worker
- Calleigh Duquesne
- Old Man (deceased)
- Carly Shay
- Sam Puckett
- Freddie Benson
- Walter Simmons
[Scene begins with the CSI group at a restraunt wirth electric guitar playing]
Horatio Caine: Lieutenant Horatio Caine, CSI.
Joe Williams: Manager Joe Williams, TGIX. We found a dead body at table 6.
[Scene goes to dead man, with a guitar chord playing]
Horatio Caine: All right, we're gonna need this place emptied out.
Restaurant Worker: Hey everyone, we're gonna sing the birthday song.
[People yelling]
Restaurant Worker: Works every time.
Calleigh Duquesne: Headquarters is sending over another team to help. Something about injecting new blood into a tired old fossil.
Carly and Sam: We're here!
Horatio Caine: Who are you?
Carly: I'm Carly.
Sam: And I'm Sam.
Freddie: We're shooting a webseries!
Horatio Caine: Shooting it? [Puts on glasses] I'd say it's dead.
[Title card: CSiCarly]
Freddie: (screams)
Sam: What's your problem, Freddie?
Freddie: He's standing on my foot!
Horatio Caine: Sorry about that.
Calleigh Duquesne: Let's get this guy in a body bag.
Carly: Why put him in a body bag when we can put him in a...
Carly and Sam: Noodle Net!
Calleigh Duquesne: That's Disgusting.
Carly: He's gonna be surrounded be worms soon anyway.
Walter Simmons: [Slurping] Mmm Tasty.
Calleigh Duquesne: How 'bout you guys start looking for fingerprints.
Sam: I found 10.
Calleigh Duquesne: You know, if you stopped goofin' around, maybe you learn something. The victim is an old man who--
Sam: What are you doing?
Calleigh Duquesne: Taping myself.
Sam: Maybe I can help.
Calleigh Duquesne: See, now that's the attitude.
[Sam tapes Calleigh with police line]
Calleigh Duquesne: [Muffled Yells]
Horatio Caine: Everyone, Please. Maybe it's best if we split up.
Carly: Great, We'll take the upper right part of the screen.
[Scene divides to each group finding clues. also electric guitar plays during this]
Carly and Sam: We figured it out!
[timer dings]
Horatio Caine: Was it the fish?
Sam: Nope
Carly: He was 95 years old.
[Scene shows the dead man's license. also horse neighs]
Sam: Happy birthday, dead guy.
[Scene shows balloons falling down while Carly plays a noisemaker]
Calleigh Duquesne: So we can go home?
Walter Simmons: Not before we have dessert with our new partners.
[Carly and Sam grunt]
Horatio Caine: In that case, have the cobbler.
[Long silence]
Horatio Caine: [Puts on glasses] It's to die for.
[Title card: CSiCarly (Again)]
Freddie: (screams again)
Horatio Caine: Sorry, I have big feet.
[Scene ends and goes to 5-Second Cartoon #1 or the Credits]
- Horatio's badge was a picture of him on a TV Guide.
- The TV Guide magazine was parodied as TV Guy.
- If you look closely at the posters, some of them say "Sharks!" and "Elvis!"
- Some of the food signs say "Bacon!" and "Pie!"
- When the iCarly team came, they actually squish an old lady with the doors.
- The dead guy's wallet said Horse & Buggy License. DOB 1789.
- Goof: They said the corpse dead for having 95 years old, but his license said he was born in 1789, so actually the corpse have died for being 221 years old.
- Cree Summer voices Sam Puckett in this sketch.
- This segment is the very first television segment ever made, and this is the first segment that showed its title card twice.
- Antagonist: iCarly Gang
- After this episode first aired and the show deputed on Cartoon Network in September 6, 2010, Tom Richmond posted this in his blog on what to use on his caricatures for the show's animation; shading & details to imitate the magazine's art that he worked since 2001. He showed a picture of David Caruso's character, Horatio Caine to compare.
- Later in mid 2017 after the show ended in 2013, he posted this with a new picture of Horatio with more two different shadings and stated that he went over head with them.