This ad is a parody of Edward Cullen and Clean & Clear.
This ad is from the episode HOPS/Naru-210.

Girl: Catch you later, crater face.
Edward Cullen: Are you fed of getting teased by your acne?
Boy: Are you in a puddle?
Edward Cullen: Well, now you can fight zits the way vampires do with Cullen Clear. Just put some on your hand.
Boy: Is that water clean?
Edward Cullen: Apply directly to zits and when you step into the sunlight, your pimples appear as diamonds. Just wait till they get a load of you.
Girl: Hey, look is crater...I mean 24-carat face.
Edward Cullen: For a complexion of a vampire, use Cullen Clear. Side effects include itching, blinding, and getting confused for a vampire.
Werewolf: Grrr!
Boy: [gasp!]
- The last scene was obviously a parody of Twilight.