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This ad is a parody of Digital Video Recorder (DVR) and R2-D2 from Star Wars.

This ad is from the episode Dolphineas and Ferb Tale / VICTORious.

Summary of Skit[]

The DVR2D2! A new DVR revolution. Your shows will be with you. Always.


MAD References[]


  • Announcer (WARNING: NOT IN STORY)
  • Luke Skywalker
  • Aunt Beru
  • DVR2D2
  • C-3P0
  • R5-D4
  • Princess Leia
  • Admiral Ackbar
  • Biggs Darklighter
  • Han Solo


Announcer: Tired of missing your favorite Tatooine TV shows?

(Static on TV.)

Aunt Beru: How'd I miss Judge Jedi? It says it's on at noon!

Luke Skywalker: You're thinking 1st noon. It's already 2nd noon!

Aunt Beru: Awwww.

Announcer: Then you're in luck.

Aunt Beru: Luke! Luke! Tell your uncle that if he gets a droid to be sure it has a DVR.

Luke Skywalker: I don't think I have much of a choice, but I'll tell him!

Announcer: Introducing the DVR2D2, the only droid that comes with a built-in DVR! Regular droids can only handle one program, (The droid R5-D4 breaks down.) but the DVR2D2 allows you to watch multiple programs!

Princess Leia: (on DVR2D2) Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope!

(Luke changes the channel.)

Admiral Ackbar: (on DVR2D2) Is it me, or should Jabba the Hutt change his name to "Jabba the Gutt"?

(Laugh track. Luke joins in on the laugh track.)

Announcer: And because the DVR2D2 has mobile, you can watch your shows whenever and wherever you want.

Biggs Darklighter: (Over radio) Luke, you switched off your targeting computer. What's wrong?

Luke Skywalker: Nothing! I'm all right. Just figured I'd catch a few episodes of Sith Apprentice.

Biggs Darklighter: (Over radio) Uh, shouldn't you be covering my back? AAAAHHHH!


Luke Skywalker: WOOHOO! Let's watch it again! (The DVR2D2 just shakes it's head.)

Announcer: The DVR2D2: May your TV shows be with you... always!


  • The R5-D4 breaks.
  • Biggs Darklighter gets him and his plane shot by missiles.


  • Judge Jedi is a parody of Judge Judy.
  • Sith Apprentice is a parody of The Apprentice.
  • A TV Guide with "GROAN WARS" on it can be seen in the beginning.
  • The music playing in Sith Apprentice is the same music from The Celebrity Ape-rentice.