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Dog with a captain's log

Captain James T. Kirk, Commander Spock, and Stan the Dog

Dog with a Captain's Log is a crossover between Disney's Dog with a Blog and Star Trek.

This segment is from MAD Season 4, Episode 6 (84): G.I. E.I. Joe / Dog with a Captain's Log.


Kirk and Spock are always fighting so the U.S.S. Starship Enterprise gets a new crew member: Stan the Dog from Disney's Dog with a Blog.


  • Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • Star Trek: Enterprise
  • X-Men
  • Lord of The Rings


  • Captain James T. Kirk
  • Commander Spock
  • Lieutenant Uhura
  • Dr. Leonard McCoy
  • Mr. Hikaru Sulu
  • Montgomery "Scotty" Scott
  • Stan the Dog


[Segment starts with Commander Spock arguing with Captain James T. Kirk]

Spock: Captain, your actions are growing increasingly irrational.

Kirk: Blast your Vulcan logic, this is the human way!

Spock: *Holds a cereal box* But it's cookies! Cookies are a dessert, not a breakfast.

Kirk: Your face is dessert!

Spock: I'm sorry captain, my universal translator isn't set for dummy!

Kirk: *Rolls his sleeves* Why I oughta?!

McCoy: That's it! I can't take any more of your bickering!

Spock: But he started it!

Kirk: My dad blew up!

McCoy: I don't care! You two need to learn to get along so I've had to take some drastic measures and I got you this dog. *Pushes a button*

[The door slides opens, revealing Stan the Dog]

Stan: *Ruff!*

Kirk: A dog? That doesn't seem so bad.

Stan: *Ruff, ruff!* *Runs to the captain's chair and sits on it*

Spock: Oh look, he thinks he's the captain.

Stan: *Talks like William Shatner from the original series* Dog's captain's log stardate for 1153.7 which is do 88705.9 in dog years. I seem to have been adopted by an inferior species.

Kirk & Spock: And he can talks...

[Title card: Dog with a Captain's Log]

[Cut to the USS Enterprise soaring in space, cut to Stan typing on his computer with the picture of his family from the Disney Channel show on his desk]

Stan: So I'm here aboard my new home on the Starship Enterprise, it's....not a bad place....if you like people with bumpy foreheads.... The only problem is that Kirk and Spock are always fighting.

[Transitions to Kirk playing fetch with Stan in a park but it turns out to be a holodeck when Spock opens the door]

Stan: *Ruff, ruff!* *Catches the frisbee with his mouth and runs back to Kirk*

Spock: Captain, what are you doing in here? I reserved the holodeck for my Vulcan meditation. *Presses buttons*

[The holodeck turns into a red rocky desert]

Kirk: Get out of here Spock! I need the room for my exercise. *Presses buttons*

Spock: Meditation.

Kirk: Exercise!

[The holodeck turns into the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D deck from The Next Generation with Captain Jean-Luc Picard]

Picard: Did the original Star Trek even have a holodeck?

Kirk: Shut up, Professor X!

[Transitions back to Stan at his computer]

Stan: I know I have my work cut out for me if I want to bring the two of them together but I think.... I have plan....that just....might work.

[Cut to Stan in the deck room but the camera zooms out with Kirk tape the deck room in half with red tape]

Stan: All right so here's the plan. What are you doing?

Kirk: I refuse to work with him anymore! He can stay on that side of the bridge and I'll stay on this side.

Spock: I can't even hear him.

Kirk: Really? With those big pointy ears? I'll bet!

[The Enterprise starts shaking and the alarm went on red, cut to Mr. Hikaru Sulu on the controls]

Sulu: Captain, I'm detecting a spatial anomaly. There's a black hole in front of us and we're being sucked in!

Spock: If we reverse the power in the ion coupling, we might be able to-

Kirk: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! What do you think you're going, Legolas? Behind the line!

Scotty: Oh no, if they don't work together, we're gonna die!

Stan: Can you set the tractor beam to there coordinates. *Gives a note to Scotty*

Scotty: I'll do me best, captain! I mean, talking dog...

[The beams appeared, dragging Kirk & Spock together]

Kirk: Hey, what gives?!

Stan: You two need to put aside your differences....

Spock: With him? He's the captain since Scott Bakula! *Grabs one of the control decks*

Scotty: There's no resistant! I don't have enough power!

Stan: Don't you two see that you go together like peanut butter & jelly, like ham & eggs, like cookies & milk.

Spock: Well, cookie & milk do go well together.

Kirk: *Holds the same cereal box from the beginning* Even for breakfast?

Spock: *Floats down and walks towards Kirk* Yes, I suppose even for breakfast.

Kirk: Put it there, friend! *Grabs Spock's hand*

Scotty: Oho! I do have enough power! *Pulls levels*

[The beams push Kirk & Spock together, fusing together as an one person with two halves]

Sulu: Are you alright, Captain.... Spirk?

Spirk: Better than all right thanks to you, dog. You make a pretty good addition to the ship.

Stan: Yeah, I am pretty great. Looks like everything is going to turn out okay.

Scotty: *Points at the black hole* But what about the black hole?

Stan: Oh! Right! Well, don't look at me! I'm just a dog, woof!


[The black hole sucked the whole Enterprise in, ending the segment that leads to the end credits and to the 5-second cartoon]

