This segment is from the episode Fantastic Megan Fox / MAD vs. Wild.
MAD TV - Dora the Explorer in the Road to Recovery
Video of cartoon

Title: Dora the Explorer in The Road to Recovery
Backpack (sings): I'm the Backpack, the Backpack, the Backpack!
Dora: I don't feel so well.
Backpack: Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing?
(Dora vomits into Backpack.)
Backpack (gurgles): I'm the Backpack, the Backpack, the Backpack!
- This is the first time Dora the Explorer gets spoofed.
- In this sketch, Boots is purple and light purple instead of light blue and yellow, and he has green elf-like boots instead of red rubber boots. He is also missing his tail, and the top of his hair more poofy than the actual Boots.
- Dora looks slightly different, too. She has slightly different hair, purple shorts instead of orange, and pink shoes and white socks instead of white shoes and yellow socks.
- Backpack is pink instead of purple and has pink eyebrows instead of yellow, and is male and is a hybrid of Map.
- The Backpack's song sounds like a hybrid of Map's "I'm the Map" song and Backpack's song from the actual show.