Downton Shaggy is a crossover between Downton Abbey and Shaggy Rogers from Scooby-Doo.
This segment is from MAD Season 4, Episode 13 (91): After Bert / Downton Shaggy.
Downton Abbey gets a new footman with a big appetite named Shaggy Rogers.
- Robert Crawley
- Hugh Bonneville
- Elizabeth McGovern
- Michelle Dockery
- Laura Carmichael
- Lord Grantham
- Scooby-Doo
- Shaggy Rogers
- Velma Dinkley
- Fred Jones
- Daphne Blake
- Scrappy-Doo (non-speaking cameo)
(Scene starts at the library)
Robert Crawley: I beg your pardon, Lord Grantham. But we seemed we have a problem with our stuff.
Lord Grantham: What is it now, Carson?
Robert Crawley: We lost another footman.
Lord Grantham: We lost FootMan?!
Robert Crawley: A "footman", sir, NOT the "FootMan".
Lord Grantham: Thank heavens, although these British comics do little, to inspire my imagination. What do you
suppose we do?
Robert Crawley: Build a cave beneath a manor?
Lord Grantham: Hmm... no I mean about the footman.
Robert Crawley: Oh yes, well fortunately we found a young man snooping around the kitchen so we've decided to hire him.
Lord Grantham: And who is this person?
Shaggy: Like this old house is so creepy it must be haunted, right Scoob?
Scooby: Reah.
Robert Crawley: Well that's much better, may we never see that filthy green shirt again.
"It's all he owns."
Shaggy: Yeah, the only bowties i like are the pasta kind.
Scooby: Relicious.
Fred: Shaggy, what are you doing? Can't you go one episode without sneaking off to the kitchen?
Robert Crawley: Friends of yours?
Shaggy: Like, i'm not so sure anymore.
Robert Crawley: Well if they're going to stay then, they'll have to help out as well.
Shaggy: I can't, wait to see what crazy get-ups you guys are gonna have to wear.
Shaggy: What gives?
Robert Crawley: The boy is wearing an ascot for heaven's sake, at least he's trying.
Shaggy: England is so weird man.
"Isn't it time for tea Carson?"
Fred: Look, it's a ghost, get her.
Robert Crawley: She's not a ghost, she's a Dowager.
Fred: You heard him gang, in England ghosts are called dowager's. Get her.
Velma: Oh. I think I landed on her sharp wit.
Fred: We are so sorry old lady, we thought a Dowager was some kind of banshee
Velma: Yeah, but it says here a Dowager is a widow who holds a title or land, and I should really stop saying jinkies, because it does not mean what I think it does.
"Well you're American, what do you expect? Clearly we're very different. By the way. I'm Kora and this is my family."
"It's like I'm seeing double. Which could mean I'm having a stroke."
"Yes and I can assure you there are no ghosts here being British were naturally better sleuths than you so we'd know."
Fred: That's what you think, come on gang, let's sweep this place from top to bottom.
"I believe that is our new footman so Shaggy and his dog are on our team. Let's just go gang."
Fred: Shaggy. I owe you an apology, without you we didn't find one single ghost. I guess you're the better detective after all.
Shaggy: No Fred, we stand correct, because we found a mysterious cave under the house and we have no idea what it's for.
"Everyone, if footman calls. tell him I'll be in my secret headquarters underneath the Manor."
Shaggy: England is so weird man.
- This is the first time Downton Abbey gets spoofed.
- All of the current cast of Scooby-Doo (except Mindy Cohn) reprised their roles as their respective characters.
- Velma is voiced by Grey Griffin, the current voice of Daphne.
- Daphne, ironically, has a silent role even though Griffin is part of the cast.
- Velma is voiced by Grey Griffin, the current voice of Daphne.
- In the skit, Velma mentions that she needs to stop saying "jinkies", as it seems to have a secondary denotation. This is a reference to how some words that are harmless in some cultures can mean something inappropriate in other cultures.
- The Batman fanfare was heard in the scene with the giant coin.