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Fart or Chair is a parody of Pass the Buck.

This ad is from the episode I Am Lorax / Modern Family Circus.


A classic gameshow about listening and determining. Starring special guest SpongeBob SquarePants.


Announcer: And now, it's time for...

Crowd: Fart or Chair!

Announcer: Welcome, everybody! Let's say hello to our first contestant! So you know the rules of course.

Kid: No! Actually, I was looking for the men's room!

Announcer: Great! Let's play! Now listen! Is this a fart or a chair?

(farting sound)

Announcer: Oooh! That's a toughy! What'ya think?!

Kid: Uh... it sounded like a fart.

Announcer: He's calling it a fart folks! Is he right?

(We see a fat woman in a bug chair)

Announcer: Oooh! I'm sorry! It was a chair.

(Kid gets beat up by some guys)

Announcer: Round 2! Fart or Chair!

(squeaking sound)

Kid: Uh... fart?

(A skinny girl farts)

Announcer: Correct! OK! Round 3! Listen closely!

(farting & bubbling sound)

Kid: Oh! Fart! That has to be a fart!

(We see SpongeBob SquarePants in a massage chair bubbling)

Announcer: Oh! I'm Sorry! That's SpongeBob sitting in a massage chair. Better luck next time!

Kid: How could I've known that?! (gets beat up) What kind of show is this?!

Announcer: This has been…

Crowd: Fart or Chair!

5-second Cartoon[]

(Kid is still getting beaten up by the security)

Kid: Is this show even on anymore?


  • SpongeBob SquarePants appears sitting on a massage chair. Only SpongeBob was green and straight instead of yellow and wiggly.
  • It appears the kid always said fart.