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MAD Flop Flips ad

Flop-Flips is an Ad Parody that appeared in Lukewarm Bodies / Does Someone Have to GOa?

The Announcer Introduces Flop Flips , But Got Into A HUGE Argument!



(Shows a guy at the beach)

Voiceover: You love wearing flip-flops, but they don't protect the top of their feet.

(shows the guy’s feet burning)

Voiceover: Well you can’t stop worrying with the all-knew Flop-Flips!

Guy: Wow! The tops of my feet are now completely protected!

Voiceover: That’s right! You’ll never have to worry about those unsightly top-of-the-foot sunburns ever again!

(Music stops as the guy talks)

Guy: Hey, but wait, what about the bottom of my feet?

Voiceover: What about them?

Guy: Well, there is no bottom!

Voiceover: That’s because you hated what it did to the tops of your feet, you didn’t say anything about the bottom.

Guy: Oh, I just assumed that…

Voiceover: (annoyed) That I was a mind reader?

Guy: No no, that’s not it, I just…

Voiceover: You just what? Think I sit here all day like a dope coming up with ideas to protect the tops of your feet? Well guess what, braniac! Those would be called shoes!

Guy: Hang on, I was just trying to-

Voiceover: (mocking) Hang on, I was just trying to-

Guy: Stop it!

Voiceover: (mocking) Stop it!

Guy: Stop it!

Voiceover: (mocking) Stop it!

Guy: Blah blah blah blah blah!

Voiceover: (mocking) Blah blah blah blah blah!

Guy: Listen, just give me the old flip-flops and we can forget the whole thing!

Voiceover: (angry) It’s too late for that! Those flip-flops are gone! You’re wearing the flop-flips!

Guy: But-


Guy: (walking on the sand) Ow, ow, ow…

(Flop-Flips end card shows)

Voiceover: Flop-Flips! They’re just as- (annoyed) Ughhh what’s the point?

(Ad ends)

