Mad Cartoon Network Wiki

Opening title to the "Gross and Beyond Gross" Cartoon Segment.

Season 1[]

2012 Dalmatians / Grey's in Anime[]


1. Seeing a guy wiping onto his jacket sleeve
2. Waking up with a huge zit
3. Reaching in your toilet to retrieve your cell phone

Beyond Gross

1. Seeing that it's your jacket sleeve
2. Waking someone else up with a huge zit
3. Realizing that may not be your cell phone

Ribbitless / The Clawfice[]


1. Drooling on your desk
2. Having lots of earwax
3. Finding a fly in your soup

Beyond Gross

1. Putting it back where it came from
2. Having enough to make an earwax museum
3. Discovering that your soup is a Community Swimming Pool for Flies


2012 Dalmatians / Grey's in Anime[]

And now it's time for Gross and Beyond Gross.
Seeing a guy wiping onto his jacket sleeve is gross.
Realizing that it's your jacket sleeve is beyond gross.
Waking up with a huge zit is gross.
Waking someone else up with a huge zit is beyond gross.
Reaching into your toilet to retrieve your cell phone is gross.
Realizing that may not be your phone is beyond gross.
This has been Gross and Beyond Gross.

Ribbitless / The Clawfice[]

And now it's time for Gross and Beyond Gross.
Drooling onto your desk is gross.
Putting it back where it came from is beyond gross.
Having lots of earwax is gross.
Having enough to make an earwax museum is beyond gross.
Finding a fly in your soup is gross.
Discovering that your soup is Community Swimming Pool for Flies is beyond gross.
This has been Gross and Beyond Gross.