Opening title to the "Gross and Beyond Gross" Cartoon Segment.
Season 1[]
2012 Dalmatians / Grey's in Anime[]
- 1. Seeing a guy wiping onto his jacket sleeve
- 2. Waking up with a huge zit
- 3. Reaching in your toilet to retrieve your cell phone
Beyond Gross
- 1. Seeing that it's your jacket sleeve
- 2. Waking someone else up with a huge zit
- 3. Realizing that may not be your cell phone
Ribbitless / The Clawfice[]
- 1. Drooling on your desk
- 2. Having lots of earwax
- 3. Finding a fly in your soup
Beyond Gross
- 1. Putting it back where it came from
- 2. Having enough to make an earwax museum
- 3. Discovering that your soup is a Community Swimming Pool for Flies
2012 Dalmatians / Grey's in Anime[]
- And now it's time for Gross and Beyond Gross.
- Seeing a guy wiping onto his jacket sleeve is gross.
- Realizing that it's your jacket sleeve is beyond gross.
- Waking up with a huge zit is gross.
- Waking someone else up with a huge zit is beyond gross.
- Reaching into your toilet to retrieve your cell phone is gross.
- Realizing that may not be your phone is beyond gross.
- This has been Gross and Beyond Gross.
Ribbitless / The Clawfice[]
- And now it's time for Gross and Beyond Gross.
- Drooling onto your desk is gross.
- Putting it back where it came from is beyond gross.
- Having lots of earwax is gross.
- Having enough to make an earwax museum is beyond gross.
- Finding a fly in your soup is gross.
- Discovering that your soup is Community Swimming Pool for Flies is beyond gross.
- This has been Gross and Beyond Gross.