This ad is a parody of Hansel and Gretel and Han Solo from Star Wars.

This is from the episode Kung Fu Blander/Destroy Bob the Builder Destroy.
Summary of Skit[]
Han Solo and Gretel: The saga continually gets ridiculous!
- Gnomeo & Juliet
- 7-Up
- The Empire Strikes Back
Narrator: From the people who thought Gnomeo and Juliet was a good idea comes...
Hansel: I'm Hansel. This is Gretel. We're in need of a ride back home.
Han Solo: Looks like you got yourself a ship.
Narrator: Han Solo and Gretel.
Hansel : But wait I'm here too (Han solo shoots Hansel with a laser gun and then Gretel cries)
Narrator: Han Solo and Gretel. Catch the excitement. (scene cuts to Han Solo and Gretel in a ship while and alarm goes off)
Gretel: What's happening?
Han Solo: We've come out of lightspeed into some sort of bread crumb shower.
Narrator: The Suspense.
Han Solo: I think I can lose him before he reaches that small moon.
Gretel: That's no moon. It's a planet made of candy.
(scene cuts to Han solo being lowered in an oven with Gretel and the witch watching)
Narrator: And the romance.
Gretel: The witch is going to cook you in the oven and then she's going to eat you.
Han Solo: I know.
(Flames whoosh and Han Solo screams as Gretel watches in horror)
Narrator: Han Solo and Gretel. The saga continually gets ridiculous.
(segment ends)