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Irish Scream Shampoo is a parody of Irish Spring.

This ad is from the episode Les the Miz / The Lex Factor.


Irish Scream makes your hair have more volume.



Announcer: Do you wish your hair had more volume?

Girl: Sure do.

Announcer: Then you need.

(A leprechaun appears and scares the girl, then does a little jig)

Announcer: Irish Scream. The shampoo that puts your hair on end.

Girl: It really works!

(The leprechaun gives a thumbs up)

Announcer: With Irish Scream, there's no need for special gels or conditioners.

(The leprechaun scares the girl in the shower)

Announcer: You don't even need to be in the shower.

(The leprechaun scares everyone from outside the subway)

Announcer: All you need is $4.99.

(The leprechaun scares everyone in the elevator and one person faints)

Announcer: And a strong heart. Irish Scream. the shampoo with the funny looking leprechaun on the bottle... and the heart warning.


  • Innuendo: The leprechaun scares the girl in the shower.
  • A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic character resembling Rainbow Dash can be seen in the girl's bedroom.