
Jack Frost
Jack Frost is the main protagonist in DreamWorks' Rise of the Guardians, as well as a supernatural being much like the Guardians. But unlike the others he is a loner, the classic rebel without a cause. He, too, is immortal, eternally young, charismatic, smart, and very handsome. As the manifestation of winter, Jack Frost is capable of manipulating ice and snow; he is able to create strong blasts of ice from his magic staff, as well as summoning icy winds out of thin air. Jack can also ask the wind for tasks such as take him home. He is the spirit of mischief and chaos personified, but when he discovers the purpose behind his amazing powers, he will become a true guardian.
Character Appearances in MAD[]
Season 4[]
- Episode 10 (88) Jacks the Giant Slayers: Himself appearing as one of the Jacks that were left.