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Jaws the Great and Powerful is a crossover between Jaws and the 2013 Wizard of Oz prequel Oz the Great and Powerful.

This segment is from MAD Season 4, Episode 9 (87): Jaws the Great and Powerful / Old Spock's Off Their Spockers.


When balloons carry a ferocious shark to the Land of Oz... things get weird.


MAD References[]


  • Martin Brody
  • Matt Hooper
  • Quint
  • Jaws
  • Theodora the Wicked Witch of the West
  • the Mayor of Munchkin Land
  • the Munchkins
  • Flying Monkeys
  • the Tin Man


(Scene starts at the surface of the ocean of Amity Island where Quint used his harpoon shooting gun, Martin Brody steering his wheel and Matt Hooper kept tying balloons with rope)

Quint: Hurry up, Hooper! I wanna hit this shark with another balloons when we don't go down again.

Matt Hooper: Don't wait for me.

Martin Brody: Look at that size of that thing!

(Quint shoots harpoons on Jaws' fin and one balloon bounced off the deck and Matt raised his hands up.)

Quint: Not with three balloons he can't go down. Not with THREE OF THEM! GIVE ME THOSE BALLOONS!!

(Quint kept shooting harpoons at Jaws' fin angrily and Jaws went down into the ocean. Quint blinked his eyes while he saw balloons reached to the surface of the ocean.)

Matt and Quint: YES!

(Jaws was carried by balloons with a boat.)

Quint: Uh-oh...

(The boat tilted and Matt and Quint scream, and Martin landed on the rear of the boat. They went up very high.)

Martin Brody: Look like we're going to need a heavier boat.

Matt Hooper: I think we need better look. Look!

(A tornado appears on-screen and everything went into the tornado. They all scream when they saw a license plate, a billboard, and the dead body of Ben Gardner. They get very dizzy after the tornado disappears.)

Matt Hooper: I think we're OK.

Martin Brody : Yeah, we're pretty still really high. Look how tiny those people are from down here.

(The boat came with a big thud when they arrive at Munchkin Land.)

Martin Brody: Oh...

The Mayor: Who you callin' "tiny"?!

(Jaws appears in Munchkin Land when he thrashes and scares all the Munchkins while they are screaming and running.)

(Title card: Jaws the Great and Powerful)

Theodora: Welcome to Oz. You must be the Wizard who can save us.

(Jaws tried to eat Thoedora and Matt stops Jaws.)

Matt Hooper: Ah, yes. He's the Wizard. But we're his "team", and anything you need to say, you can say to us.

Theodora: Well, an evil witch was in danger of our lives with our people. But the mayor refuses to close the city.

The Mayor: It's tourist season. It will be bad for business.

Quint: Tell me, Mr. Mayor. It's there a reward to catch this witch?

The Mayor: Untold richies.

Quint: Oh, I'll find it for the richies. But I'll catch her and kill her. And throw her.

The Mayor: Deal. Now just follow this golden path.

Martin Brody: You mean that yellow brick road?

The Mayor: Ha, ha. Listen. You yelled golden path. People say "Huh? Wha?" You yelled yellow brick road. And we've got a lawsuit on our hands with the Warner Bros. Studios. Now, get out there.

Martin Brody: I don't know if we're gonna catch the witch this way.

Quint: You can catch anything with the right bait.

Matt Hooper: He's right. And since I'm the smart one. I'm using flying monkeys.

Martin Brody: I still don't think we're gonna catch her this way.

Quint: Hmm. Maybe you're right.

Martin Brody: I think we're gonna need a bigger plan.

Quint: I have just the thing.

Matt Hooper: No way. If you think I'm going down there to shark tank? You're crazy?

Quint: Of course you're not. This is OZ.

Matt Hooper: Phew. Good.

Quint: You're going in the bubble.

Matt Hooper: Say wha?

Wicked Witch: (Evil Laughs)

Martin Brody: This isn't working either. What are we going to do?

(Tin Man arrives)

Tin Man: Excuse me. Are you either of you a Wizard? He, uh, he supposed to give me a heart.

Martin Brody: Hmm?

(Martin pours propane into Tin Man)

Tin Man: Wait. I thought you were giving me a heart?

Martin Brody: I am.

Tin Man: Hmm. Smells like propane.

Martin Brody: Didn't you know? Heart smell like propane. Come on. Show me the tank. Show me the tank.

Wicked Witch: Can I help you?

Martin Brody: Smile you, witch.

(Martin shoots the gun blowing up Witch and Tin Man)

Quint: We did it. We save the people of Oz.

Matt Hooper: Hmm. Not quite.

(Jaws has eaten all of the munchkins)

Martin Brody: Oh, really? That's how this ends? We're gonna need a better script.


  • This is the first time Disney's Oz the Great and Powerful showed up.
  • Protagonists: Martin Brody, Matt Hooper, Quint and Jaws
  • Antagonist: Theodora the Wicked Witch of the West
  • The Amity's Island banner has changed from the film.
  • The barrels in yellow were replaced by balloons.
  • Martin Brody and Quint were both resurrected after the movie Jaws in 1975.
  • Some of the quotes in this sketch refer to the movie.
  • The appearance of the tin man in the sketch is an error, because Oz the Great and Powerful is a prequel of The Wizard of Oz and none of the protagonists were in the story in the film.