Mad Cartoon Network Wiki

This ad is a parody of Carl's Jr.

This ad is from the episode 2012 Dalmatians / Grey's in Anime.

Summary of Skit[]

A new hamburger that will mess up your shirt, your room, your reputation, and your life.


Narrator: If you like things messy, try the new triple pounder for Juicy Jr's. It won't just mess up your shirt, it will mess up your room...

Billy's Mom: Your room is a mess! YOU'RE GROUNDED!

Billy: But...

Triple Pounder: Hehehe!

Narrator: Your reputation...

Triple Pounder: Hey, bonehead.

Bully: You're dead, man!

(Bully punches Billy)

Billy: (Groans)

Triple Pounder: Hehehe!

Narrator: Even your life.

Cop: Billy, we found your fingerprints all over the crime scene.

Triple Pounder: Yeah, I guess you got him copper.

Narrator: The new triple pounder from Juicy Jr's. Think twice about how messy you want things to get.

(Jail cell closes)

Triple Pounder: Fresh Meat. Hehehe!

