Jurassic Parks and Recreation is a crossover between Jurassic Park and NBC's Parks and Recreation.
This segment is from MAD Season 3, Episode 3 (55): Battleship vs. Titanic / Jurassic Parks and Recreation.
The parks department opens a dinosaur petting zoo.
- The Office
- Tom And Jerry
- Terra Nova
- Leslie Knope
- Ron Swanson
- Ben Wyatt
- Andy Dwyer
- Tom Haverford
- Jerry Gergich
- Ann Perkins
- Chris Traeger
- April Ludgate
[Scene shows Leslie Knope at a podium in an outdoor meeting full of people]
Leslie: I'm proud to unveil a Pawnee parks department's latest project.
[Cut to a scene of Leslie in her office]
Leslie: Eagleton just finished their petting zoo, so I thought, "What's one step cooler than a petting zoo?" Then I thought, "What's a hundred steps cooler than a petting zoo?"
[Cut to Leslie grabbing the cape, revealing the sign that says, "Pawnee Park Petting Zoo" but she says it, incorrectly]
Leslie: The Pawnee Dinosaur Park!
April: Yeah, we know.
Leslie: Aw, really?! What gave it away?
Ann: Mostly, It was the giant dinosaur park.
[Zoom out revealing Pawnee Park with screeching dinosaurs roaming]
(Title card: Jurassic Parks and Recreation)
[Cut to a shot of the park with Leslie, Ron and some background reused cameos; three Will Schuesters, Sue Sylvester and a woman with a tank top and Sue's head]
Ron: Nice work, Leslie. Really spectacular job.
[Cut to Ron Swanson at his office and the camera zoom out of him with a plate of a giant steak]
Ron: On the one hand, I HATE runaway government spending. On the other hand, dinosaur steak.
[Cuts to Ron wiping his face with a napkin, walking away and Ben Wyatt walk towards to Leslie]
Ben: Leslie, Pawnee can't even afford to kids what dinosaurs are! Much less bring them back from the dead.
Leslie: No, it's okay. I bought the dinosaurs on sale from Terra Nova.
[Cut to Leslie at Terra Nova, with Commander Nathaniel Taylor dropping a crate. The sign says "Terra Nova" with a cancelled stamp on it. Scene cuts back to Leslie talking about Andy Dwyer holding the cages]
Leslie: And I cut costs by putting Andy in change of security.
Andy: And I cut costs by not putting locks on the cages!
[Cut to cages opening up and one of the dinosaurs; a raptor lunged out towards to Tom Haverford by biting his arm & his head]
Raptor: RAAAAW! *Munch!*
Tom: Not the suit, not the suit!
Raptor: RAAAAW! *Munch*
Tom: AAAH!! Not the head, not the head!
Leslie: Dinosaurs are eating Tom!
[Camera zooms out, showing Jerry Gergich getting bit & swinged by a red T-Rex]
Jerry: And Jerry! Also Jerry!
Leslie: Quiet, Jerry! We're trying to figure out how to save Tom!
[Cut to a green T-Rex roaring and the parks department employees running away, along with Chris Traeger jogging]
Green T-Rex: RAAAAAAAW!!!
Chris: You guys are jogging, that's great!
Leslie: We're actually running for our lives!
Chris: Well. whatever gets you up and moving.
[Cuts to Chris outside and the camera zooms out, revealing tiny dinosaurs eating him like a log getting cut on a chainsaw]
Chris: Thanks to my morning jog, I feel strong, I feel alert, I feel like tiny dinosaurs are literally eating my legs. You're just gonna watch this happen. Huh, cameraman?
[Cuts to the parks department continue running, shows April Ludgate talking to a dilophosaurus]
April: So... What's your deal?
Dilophosaurus: RAAAAAAAAAW!!
April: That's cool.
[Cut to the parks department stops and panting but Ron gets bitten by the green T-Rex]
Ron: I think we lost them- *munch* Leslie, it's up to you now! You know what you have to do!
[Camera zooms on Leslie, pondering. Cuts to a indoor meeting]
Leslie: I've called this town meeting to generally gauge the reaction to Pawnee being destroyed by dinosaurs.
Man: This is a disaster! There's a Plateosaurus on my patio!
Woman: A Pterodactyl in my terrarium!
Walter Simmons in a sky blue polo shirt: A T-Rex destroyed my house and my entire family!
Man: Aw, you broke the alliteration!
Raptor, in disguise: Personally, I think the dinosaurs are doing a great job! If anything, they should be eating more people!
Leslie: Really? And what's your name?
Raptor: Uhhh, It's uh, Phillip! Phillip uhhhh Veloci... raptor.... *Rip!* RAAAAAAAAAW! *Jumps at Leslie & Ann*
Leslie: I always know we'd all be eating by wild animals. I just thought it would be racoons!
Green T-Rex: *Munch!*
Raptor: *Hmm!*
[Cut to a shirtless Ron wearing a red head band while riding the green T-Rex as it swallows the raptor]
Leslie: Ron, you're alive!
Ron: Everybody, meet Tammy 4!
[Camera shows Jerry with a half torn sweater, waving but gets eaten by the green T-Rex]
Jerry: Hey guys, I'm alive too!
Green T-Rex: *Munch!*
Ron: Good girl!
- Antagonist: Dinosaurs and Leslie because of her stupid decisions to have the dinosaurs
- At the meeting part of the segment, you can see the minor characters in the background, being reused/edited from other MAD segments; uGlee, CSiCarly and Batman Family Feud, all done by Tom Richmond:
- Will Schuester's head(with light brown hair) on Horatio Caine's body
- Alfred Pennyworth in a blue vest & yellow tie
- The dad from the Berkel family
- Steve Harley
- Calleigh Duquesne
- Sue Sylvester with brown hair, necklace and a sky blue T-shirt
- Freddie Benson with ginger hair, sky blue plaid shirt & orange shirt
- Walter Simmons with a sky blue polo shirt
- When Leslie said that dinosaurs are eating Tom and Jerry, it is similar to Tom and Jerry. However, this can not be counted as an actual reference, since Tom and Jerry did not make any physical appearance.