This ad is from the episode Snott Pilgrim vs. the Wonderful World of Disney / Malcolm in the Middle Earth.

K-Stew's Beef Stew
K-Stew's Beef Stew is sure to wipe the smile off your face.
- Kristen Stewart
- Girl #1
- Girl #2
- Man #1
- Edward Cullen
- Announcer
Announcer: You know her as the miserable star of Twilight...
Kristen Stewart: I'm so unhappy.
Announcer: Now she's got something that's sure to wipe the smile off your face too. It's K-Stew's Beef Stew. We've taken Kristen Stewart's negative attitude and packed it into hardy chunks of beef soaked in brown juice.
Kristen Stewart: It's okay, I mean if you like stew.
Announcer: After one bite, you'll be just as gloomy as Kristen.
Girl: I mean I don't hate it.
Man: Eh, I've definitely had worse.
Woman: Is this commercial almost over?
Announcer: Sure your stomach is gonna hurt, but not as much as it hurts for K-Stew to smile from time to time. If you like Kristen Stewart, you might sorta like K-Stew's Beef Stew!
(Kristen keeps trying to smiling.)
5-second Cartoon[]
(Smiling continues.)
- The woman's dog dies after licking the stew.
- The K-Stew's Beef Stew logo is a parody of the Crest logo.
- This ad reappears again in Twilight: Staking Dawn.
- The style on the can is a similar style to Chef Boyardee.