Men in Black to the Future is a crossover between Men in Black 3 and Back to the Future.
This segment is from MAD Season 3, Episode 10 (62): Men in Black to the Future / Pokémon of Interest.
Agent J is stuck time-warping to different years... instead of 1969, where he is supposed to go!
- Agent J
- Agent K
- Marty McFly
- Biff Tannen
- Dr. Emmett Brown
- Mr. T
- Big Bird
- Mr. Snuffleupagus (Snuffy)
- Letter K
- Snap, Crackle, and Pop
- Oscar the Grouch
- Elmo
- Captain America
- Chester Phillips
- Philip Banks
(Agent J walks in a store)
Agent J: Listen, my name is Agent J and I need to go back to the year 1969 to save Agent K. What do you got?
Seller: Well, let's see... We have a DeLorean.
Agent J: Yes!
Seller: But, that's taken.
Agent J: Aw.
Seller: There's a phone booth.
Agent J: Alright!
Seller: But that's out too.
Agent J: Ugh.
Seller: Looks like all we have is this.
Agent J: A pocket Mr. T?
Mr. T: (voice only) Quit your jibber-jabbing!
Seller: Huh? Oh, sorry. Wrong device. Here's the right one! And all you have to do is... (Scene goes to top of a building) ...jump off this building!
Unknown voice: Quit your jibber-jabbing!
Seller: Sorry. Must've pushed the button again.
Agent J: No. That was me. Quit your jibber-jabbing and come up with a better idea! I ain't jumping off this building!
Seller: No you're right, I'm PUSHING YOU!
(Pushes Agent J, causing him to scream)
(Transports to a hayhouse)
Agent J: Whoa! THAT was close. I could've hurt myself.
(DeLorean crashes)
Marty McFly: I made it to 1955!
Agent J: Oh yeah, sure, YOU get the DeLorean!
(Title card: Men in Black to the Future)
Agent J: Man, I wanted to go to 1969, not 1955.
Marty McFly: What's the difference?
Agent J: In 1969 everyone's all... Hey! Watch where you're goin'! But in '55, people more like... Hey, let's jitterbug, so we can..." Yeah, I don't know the difference.
Biff Tannen: MCFLY!!!
Agent J: Well, I have to go to a building to jump off to save Agent K, so good luck at that fish dance.
(Scene goes to a building)
Agent J: Whatever dumb thing you're doing gonna take long? Cuz' I need to jump off this building!
Dr. Emit Brown: I'm sending that kid BACK TO THE FUTURE!
Agent J: Really? Using what?
Dr. Emit Brown: Lightning!
(Agent J get's shocked and transports to Sesame Street)
Big Bird: Hi there! Are you lost?
Agent J: I'm looking for K.
Big Bird: You mean him?
K puppet: You use me to spell the word KRISPY!
(Agent J looks at Snap, Crackle, and Pop)
Agent J: You dwarves are confusing the KIDS OF AMERICA! But no, that's not the K I meant. By the way is there anything tall I can jump from here?
Agent J: Alright that's almost high enough! Is there anything else you can shove under there?
Elmo: Hi everybody! Elmo wants to be your friend!
Agent J: Yeah, Yeah let's step on him.
(Agent J transports to a base)
Colonel Phillips: Can I help you son?
Agent J: K! It's you!
Colonel Phillips: Young man I'm Colonel Phillips of the U.S. army. And you are interferring with our super soldier expirement. The most important expirement of the 1940s.
Agent J: 1940s?! Man, you must be born looking old. But haven't I seen you in the year 2012?
Captain America: Yeah.
Agent J: So, get me to the year 1969 the same way YOU made it to 2012.
Captain America: Sure.
(Throws Agent J in an ice block)
27 years later
Agent J: Man THAT WAS NOT COOL! I mean it was cold but you know what I mean.
Unknown Person: Son, you just came out of a block of ice on top of a rocket ship.
Agent J: K! It's you! I mean sounds like you but you look like a different...You know what? I'm tired of this! I'm going back to a simpler time!
(Transports to Bel-Air (You know he is Will Smith!))
Uncle Phil: William! You are grounded!
Agent J: (Now Will Smith) Oh, man, yeah! It's good to be the prince!
(Audience claps and segment ends)
- Second time Men in Black gets spoofed. The first was mentioned in I Am Lorax
- Elmo was purple instead of red. Also, his nose is green.
- Here are the places Will Smith has gone to:
- 1955 (Back to the Future)
- Sesame Street (Last seen in the MADvent Calendar)
- 1940's (Captain America is seen)
- 1969 (I don't know if Agent K is in it)
- 1990's (the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air)
- Second time the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air gets spoofed first was The Fresh Prawn of Bel-Air.
- In the Brazilian Portugese dub, the word Big Bird spells is translated from "KRISPY" to "KOMBI".