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POblivion / Umbrellamentary is the eighth episode of MAD Season 4, and the 86th overall episode of MAD.

Episode Summary[]

POblivion: Jack Harper believes he is the last man alive until encountering a talking panda.

Umbrellamentary: Sherlock Holmes goes missing and Mary Poppins investigates.


  1. MADvent Calendar - Been lost in the June gloom for a month? Here are some MAD moments you may have missed:
    • Wednesday, 8:00 PM: American Idol hits an all-time ratings low, causing Nicki Minaj to say, "Wait, I'm still on American Idol?"
    • Friday, 2:00 PM: Researchers calculate that over six billion hours of videos are watched online per month... or 45 minutes if you don't count cat clips.
    • Sunday, 10:00 AM: Father's Day becomes so insignificant, we interrupt our own joke to bring you this!
  2. Opening Scene
  3. POblivion (Spoof on Po from DreamWorks' Kung Fu Panda / Movie Parody of Oblivion)
  4. Animated Marginals segment
  5. Cement Dries Faster (Animated by Mike Wartella)
  6. Anti-Dog Driving PSA Act 1 (Cartoon)
  7. MAD News - The MAD News anchor announces that it's been months since he appeared on an episode of MAD, and that people everywhere are asking, "Where's that handsome anchor that everyone loves?," and in a related story, he stopped getting paid, been thrown out of his apartment, and he's very hungry, and one might think he doesn't even work here anymore.
  8. Gatored Community (Spoof on Gated Community) (Ad Parodies segment) (Animated by Mark Marek)
  9. Angelina Jolie Hairstyle (Spoof on Angelina Jolie) (Stop-motion Cartoon segment)
  10. Anti-Dog Driving PSA Act 2 (Cartoon)
  11. Middle-aged Wolf (TV Parody of Teen Wolf) (Ad Parodies segment)
  12. MADitorial - An Error in Last Week's MADitorial (Animated by Jorge R. Gutierrez) (MADitorial segment)
  13. Anti-Dog Driving PSA Act 3 (Cartoon)
  14. Spy vs. Spy - Bathroom (Spy vs. Spy segment) (Stop-motion Cartoon)
  15. Animated Marginals segment
  16. Cave Fireman (Animated by Mike Wartella)
  17. Umbrellamentary (TV Parody of Elementary / Book Parody of  Mary Poppins)
  18. Credits
  19. 5-second Cartoon - (from MAD News) It shows an only desk that the News Anchor was nowhere to be seen. (5-second Cartoon segment)


Main article: POblivion / Umbrellamentary/Gallery


Main article: POblivion / Umbrellamentary (Transcript)



  • Brian T. Delaney - Po and Dogs Shouldn't Drive Announcer
  • Grey DeLisle - Mary Poppins and Woman with Hair Looking Like Angelina Jolie
  • Barry Dennen - Shifu, Sherlock Holmes, and Gatored Community Announcer
  • Quinton Flynn - Jack Harper, Tobias Gregson, and MADitorial Announcer
  • Dan Milano - Dog and Middle-aged Wolf Announcer
  • Rachel Ramras - Joan Watson, Victoria Olsen, and Salon Worker
  • Kevin Shinick - The MAD News Anchor, Man from MADitorial, Middle-aged Wolf, Sebulba, and the MADvent Calendar Announcer

