Mad Cartoon Network Wiki

Papa is a take-off of Mama and is spoofed with Papa Smurf from the Smurfs.

This segment is from MAD Season 4, Episode 5 (83): Papa / 1600 Finn.


A family is haunted by a small, blue menace known as Papa Smurf.



  • Uncle Lucas
  • Aunt Annabel
  • Papa Smurf
  • Smurfs
  • Gargamel
  • Azrael (as a sock puppet)
  • Patrick Winslow
  • Victoria
  • Lily (no speaking role)
  • Dr. Dreyfuss
  • Movie Theater Voice


(Scene: Outside the Lucas Residence; the two orphans Victoria and Lily, escorted by Dr. Dreyfuss, are being dropped off. Uncle Lucas and Aunt Annabel begin to introduce themselves.)

Uncle Lucas: Hi, I'm your Uncle Lucas. (No response from Victoria nor Lily.) This is Annabel. You're going to be living with us.

(Still no response. Lily moves a little to the left behind Victoria.)

Uncle Lucas: What's wrong with them?

Dr. Dreyfuss: Victoria and Lilly were found in deplorable conditions, alone in the wilderness for at least 5 years. How they survived is unexplainable. But we think they might have had some... (Takes off glasses) help from someone. (This has Lucas and Annabel terrified) When we found them, they were wearing these... (Holds up 2 smurf hats) hats.

(Lucas and Annabel cover their eyes.)

Victoria: Papa.

(From Victoria's point of view, none other than the Smurfs are seen crawling up the Lucas Residence. Camera zooms in on Papa Smurf)

Papa Smurf: Well, hello again, children!

(Title card appears: Papa; Smurfs singing)

Aunt Annabel: How are you guys adjusting to your new room?

(Victoria is drawing Papa Smurf)

Aunt Annabel: What are you drawing? (Gasp) You- You used to all my antique blue cranyon

Papa Smurf: Grab your thing, Girls

Aunt Annabel: Victoria. What is it?

Victoria: You're in danger, he's coming to take us back to the woods

Aunt Annabel: Who is

Victoria: Papa

(When Smurfs crawl under the bed)

Aunt Annabel: What's under the bed?

Papa Smurf: Smurf!!

(Smurf Coughing)

Papa Smurf: You really need to start cleaning under your bed dust is the number one cause of the year-round allergies- Oh also Smurf!!

Aunt Annabel: (Scream)

Voiceover: This summer, you'll scream until you're blue in the face! I think it was a parody of Mama.

Gargamel: (voice only) Not enough Gargamel!

Voiceover: Too much Gargamel.

Gargamel: (voice only) Fine. I know what I'm not wanted.

