This ad is from episode Money Ball Z/Green Care Bear.
This ad is a parody of Papa John's Pizza and Papa Smurf.

Title screen to Papa Smurf's Pizza
Summary of Skit[]
Papa Smurf's Pizza. What goes around, comes around.
Papa Smurf: Hi, I'm Papa Smurf! And when I put my mind to something, I do it right! Whether it's keeping our village's location safe from Gargamel, or going into business for myself! Which is why I created "Papa Smurf's Pizza"! With the smurfiest ingredients, the freshest smurfarella and the bluest meatballs! My pizzas aren't just the best in the buisness (cut to Papa Smurf driving a truck, then getting out of it with a pizza in his hand) but in the human world as well. And with pizza pies only $4.99, people can figure out how I stay in buisness. (knocks on a door, then camera cuts to a guy opening the door and looking down)
Man: What the- you're so tiny. (takes the pizza out of Papa's hand) I'd need a thousand of these pizzas satisfy my hunger!
Papa Smurf: Hmm...then I guess that'll be $4999. Tip not included.
Man: Ohhhh!
Papa Smurf: (to audience) Hey, how else do you think I got the name 'Papa Smurf'? You think any of those smurfs are my kids? Nah. It's a sign of respect. (knocks on a door) For running a scabby buisness. (door opens to reveal Gargamel) GARGAMEL!
Gargamel: (captures Papa with a net, then laughs) I couldn't find that blasted village, so I just called the delivery number! Thanks, Papa Smurf! (closes door, and frightened cries are heard)
Announcer: Papa Smurf's Pizza. What goes around comes around.
- The Smurfs carrying pizza can be heard singing the same song from TransBOREmores 3: Dark of the Blue Moon.
- This is the first time Gargamel appears. And the first time in the media that he calls the delivery number instead of finding the village.
- Papa Smurf has a communist hammer and sickle tattoo on his head.
- There was music playing from How I Met My Brother.
- Second time Grouchy Smurf appears.
- First time the Pizza Hut hat appears.
- Originally, Pizza Papa John's was going to be in the sketch.
- There were some differences in the early version of the sketch; the Smurfs and Gargamel had their cartoon designs, some Smurfs such as Smurfette and Brainy appear as cameos, the Papa Smurf's Pizza logo resembled the Pizza Papa John's logo, Papa Smurf was captured outside Gargamel's lair instead of a house, and the way Papa Smurf screamed in the end of the sketch was morbid compared to the finalized sketch.