Summary of Character[]
Pikachu is an electric-type Pokémon and the most famous.
Character Appearances in Show[]
Season 1[]
- Episode 3 Grey's in Anime: Parodied as Checkaflu.
- Episode 7 Rejected... Pokémon: Parodied as Punchachu.
- Episode 14 Pokémon Park: Itself as a monster.
- Episode 21 Big League Pika-chew: Pikachu gets spoofed with Big League Chew to make an ad. In this ad, the Pikachu clones (called Pikachus) are Pika-chews, it cuts to the girl and she said, "Wait, they're made from WHAT?" And she spits off some Pika-chews.
Season 2[]
- Episode 16 (42) PokéHarmony: Itself thinking he's in love after he kissed Jolteon.
Season 3[]
- Episode 8 (60) The Blunder Games: Pikachu appears as a balloon float.
- Episode 11 (63) Diary of a Wimpy Kid Icarus: Pikachu is seen as a student at the Video Game School.
Season 4[]
- Episode 2 (80) Pokémonsters, Inc.: Appears at the end of the skit when Ash gets stuck inside a PokéBall, and the subtitles read, "My, how the tables have turned."