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Pirates of the Neverland: At Wit's End is a take-off of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End and is spoofed with Disney's Peter Pan.

This segment is from MAD Season 1, Episode 6: Pirates of the Neverland: At Wit's End / Batman Family Feud.


Jack Sparrow teams up with Captain Hook to defeat Peter Pan.




(Scene begins in space. Littered with Spacenook Aliens and an Alfred E. Neuman moon.)

Pirate: Captain, considering the ship's currently, uh, floating in space, there's concern we may be lost.

Jack Sparrow: Lost? Of course not. Our bearings. Second star to the left, straight on 'til morning?

Pirate: Captain, we're approaching some sort of land beyond imagination!

(They arrive at Neverland.)

Captain Hook: Jack Sparrow? Is that really you? It's been forever!

Jack Sparrow: My old friend, "Captain 2-Hands".

Captain Hook: Wow, we do need to catch up!

(Title card: Pirates of the Neverland: At Wit's End)

Jack Sparrow: Wait, you spent all this time fighting a kid in green tights?

Captain Hook: But there's a crocodile, too! He makes the most horrible sound whenever he's here: "Tik Tok".

Jack Sparrow: Like a clock?

Captain Hook: No, that annoying Ke$ha song!

Tick-Tock Crocodile: (To the tune of "Tik Tok")

(Scene goes to the ship. Again.)

Jack Sparrow: Point is, mate. Pirates are heroes now, you're allowed to win.

(Scene goes to Peter Pan and the Lost Boys at a flag saying "Captain Smellyface")

Peter Pan: Hey, Hook! Look at your flag! That's you! You look like that!

Captian Hook: Will you help me?

Jack Sparrow: I'll do better than that. I'll give you a makeover!

(Title card: Extreme Renovation: Pirate Edition)

Jack Sparrow: Hmmm, more swaying, less frills, move your facial hair, some dreadlocks, bring out your eyes, and finally, dirt.

(Hook coughs)

Jack Sparrow: What do you think?

(Cut to Randy Jackson, Ellen DeGeneres, and Tyra Banks at the judges table labeled "Project Pirate".)

Tyra Banks: Captain Hook, you are the world's next top pirate!

Captain Hook: Yes! Woo Hoo!

(Sparrow and Hook high five, Hook stabs Sparrow's hand with his hook hand.)


(Scene cuts to Hurley stranded on a tropical island wearing an "I'M LOST" tee.)

(Then, Hook fights the Lost Boys)

Captain Hook: I feel great, like I could take on the whole world!

Peter Pan: Woohoo! Nice guyliner, Hook. Got a hot date?

Captain Hook: Oh, I'LL GET YOU, PETER--

Jack Sparrow: Ahem!

Peter Pan: Please! Pirates may be cool now, but staying a kid will always be cooler! Right, Eddie?

(Cuts to Edward Cullen on the mast)

Edward Cullen: I'm moody.

Peter Pan: Little girls eat that up.

Jack Sparrow: (Still fighting the Lost Boys) Hey, Hook, know what I'm gonna do later? Drive a car.

Captain Hook: (Still fighting the Lost Boys) Really? I was planning on voting.

Peter Pan: HEY, NOT FAIR!

Jack Sparrow: Of course, we can always just go to an R-rated movie.

Peter Pan: STOP IT!! (Flies down, but gets caught in the shipmast)

(Later, Peter Pan and the Lost Boys have been captured!)

Jack Sparrow: Now, finally, the treasure of Neverland will be ours!

Captain Hook: Uh, Peter Pan doesn't actually have any treasure.

Jack Sparrow: You've been chasing this brat for years and he's BROKE??

Captain Hook: Yes, but he cut off my hand!

Jack Sparrow: Big deal. Tell that to ROY.

(Cuts to Roy, with a peg-body)

Roy: I think I got a splinter in my neck.

Captian Hook: Look at it this way. At least we have each other, Ja-- Jack?

Jack Sparrow: (Back on his ship) Sorry, captain, but there are OTHER pirates out there who need my help. Ain't that right, Cap'n Munch?

(Cuts to Cap'n Munch, with a bowl of SQUID!)

Cap'n Munch: I don't think a squid is part of a complete breakfast!

Jack Sparrow: But it stays soggy in milk.

(Cap'n Munch leans over and barfs, ending the segment)


  • The Crocodile sounds nothing like Ke$ha's "Tik Tok." And it's a good thing, 'cause Ke$ha is a pain to listen to.
  • Ke$ha's "Tik Tok" is also on Just Dance 2.
  • The MAD Season 1 DVD says, "Pirates of the Carribean 4: Journey to Neverland," but that is the wrong title.
  • Protagonists: Captain Hook and Captain Jack Sparrow
  • Antagonists: Peter Pan and his goons
  • This is the first time that Twilight was parodied, and then made a huge phenomenon on MAD.
  • In the demo version, Captain Knuckles and Flapjack from the the Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack appeared in the kraken's mouth.
  • If you look closely on the ship, you can see Popeye and Bluto! (Bluto was trying to beat up Popeye.)
  • This is the second time MAD spoofed Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.
  • The segment had two title cards: "Pirates of the Neverland: At Wit's End" and "Extreme Renovation: Pirate Edition".
  • Tinker Bell is not seen in this spoof. WHAT A WASTE OF PETER PAN!
  • Pirates can't drive cars, vote, or go to R-rated movies in reality.
  • If you look closely, you could see the Survivor logo.
  • Gilligan from the TV series Gilligan's Island appears as one of Jack Sparrow's crew members.
  • Daffy Duck appears on Captain Hook's ship wearing Donald Duck's cloths.
  • The moon with A. E. Newman's face with the rocket in his eye is a reference to the 1902 iconic french silent film A Trip to the Moon.