Opening Title To Rejected Toy Story 3 Characters Segment
Rejected Toy Story 3 Characters is a Rejected segment from Star Blecch / uGlee.
Toy Story 3 Characters[]
- Woody
- Buzz Lightyear
- Hamm
- Lenny
- Rex
- Slinky Dog
- Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear
- Ken
- Buttercup
- Trixie
- Stretch
- Twitch
- Peas-in-a-Pod
Rejected Characters[]
- Speak n' Swear
- Mr. Couch Potato Head
- Baby Never-Stops-Crying
- Biz the Friendly Fax
- Private Space
Narrator: You love the characters from Toy Story 3, but here are some rejected ones. Speak n' Swear!
Boy: How do you spell "house?"
Speak n' Swear: How the (beep) should I know?!
Narrator: Mr. Couch Potato Head!
Mr. Couch Potato Head: You guys go rescue Buzz.
Narrator: Baby Never-Stops-Crying!
Woody: If we don't find Andy before tonight... I'm sorry, its just- does he really have to be here?
Narrator: Biz the Friendly Fax!
Rex: What are we gonna do Biz?
Biz: *makes fax machine noises*
Narrator: And Private Space!
Private Space: Ha! I need a personal perimeter of 5 feet by 5 feet!
Narrator: Toy Story 3! So many characters... but not these.
Rejected Toy Story 3 Characters
- Speak n' Swear said the "F" word which was censored out.
- Goof: Lenny didn't live with Andy anymore in Toy Story 3 since he was donated to a yard sale according to Woody.