Renegade Animation is an animation studio, located in Glendale, California, which currently specializes in Macromedia Flash/Toon Boom animation. It was founded by former Disney and Warner Bros. animator and director Darrell Van Citters and his business partner Ashley Postelwaite in 1992.
Initially they produced mostly commercial work, beginning with the second "Hare Jordan" spot for Nike, which featured Bugs Bunny as his own alter-ego and Michael Jordan as Air Jordan, as well as numerous spots for Cheetos, Kellogg's Honey Smacks, and Kellogg's Rice Krispies. In the mid-'90s, they moved into internet cartoons, and produced Will Ryan's "Elmo Aardvark: Outer Space Detective".
They have since branched out into television, and are perhaps most well known as the producers of cartoon series Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi, The Mr. Men Show and The Tom and Jerry Show which they air on Cartoon Network. They also co-produced the live-action/Traditionally-animated telefilm Re-Animated with the Cartoon Network Studios.
They produced the animation for an animated short, A Dairy Tale: The Three Little Pigs which was released specially on the DVD for 2004 Disney film Home on the Range.
- Bieber Bowl
- Rejected Transformers
- Zombi
- Celebrity Birthdays
- Where's Lady Gaga? 1
- Supervillains for Your Health
- His "Fly" is Down
- Taylor Swiffer
- The Asker
- Doggie Tweets
- Campfire Ghost Stories
- Sleepy Cloud
- Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?
- People Who Wait 'til the Last Minute to Cancel Today on Ellen
- Scooby Snack Fiscal Report
- Edna the Kangaroo Forgot Her Pouch