This ad is a parody of a Night-Light and a Satellite.
This ad is from Addition Impossible / New Gill.
Summary of Skit[]
Tired of being scared of monsters like vampires, werewolves, Trolls, and Kardashians? Then you need the Satel-Night-Light!
(The skit starts with a boy swinging his stick around outside at night.)
Announcer: Are you afraid of the dark?
Boy: (scoffs) Me? No!
Announcer: Well, you should be!
(Zooms in on the boy until creepy eyes show up)
All sorts of terrible things come out of the dark!
(A vampire appears)
(A werewolf appears)
(A troll appears)
(One of the Kardashians, in a horrific condition, appear as the other monsters exclaim in both fear and disgust)
Kardashian: I'm not a monster.
(He goes back inside the house and into his bed to turn on his night-light, but the creatures follow him inside to scare him once more.)
Announcer: To ward off all those evil creatures, you need something better than a regular night-light. You need the Satel-Night-Light! With just one click, You'll go from total night to total light.
(The light shines through the window as the creatures exclaim in fear and are weakened by it.)
(He turns into a skeleton via flame.)
Kardashian: IT BURNS MY SKIN!
(She also turns into a skeleton via flame.)
(The man who turned into a werewolf is human again, but constantly goes out through the window.)
Man: It's actually keeping up the whole western hemisphere. Can't you focus that thing?
Announcer: Best of all, you can activate the Satel-Night-Light wherever you go!
Dad: And right here is the constellation Gemin-
( The boy turns the Satel-Night-Light on as his parents fear that it's deliberately too bright.)
(Yelling) -EYES MY EYES!
Announcer: The Satel-Night-Light. Don't be fooled by cheap imitations. From the makers of the Launch Box and other insanely expensive things.
(End of Ad parody.)