This ad is a parody of Man vs. Wild, and Frosty the Snowman.
This ad is from Episode FROST/Undercover Claus.
Summary of Skit[]
Frosty the Snowman gets spoofed along with Man vs. Wild. His nose was a carrot instead of a button nose. His arms are sticks instead of snow arms. He wears an old silk hat instead of a hat with a flower. He has 3 snowballs instead of 1 snowball. He has little legs instead of big legs. He also has a scarf, then he said happy birthday and the guy from the helicoper calls him again then he eats that carrot and 1 dot instead of a button. Then he realized that his animals are his friends, he likes rabbits and squirrels and then a lion eats the middle snowball. He had 1 snowball now and his stick arms are in his head or the scarf. Then he used his hands for warmth, but he was on fire and he melted and screamed. Then Karen started crying that he's gone now and Santa Claus realized that he was made of Christmas snow, which means he'll be back again next year. Then a black jaguar licks him, and Santa says he can't come back and now he's gone.
- Frosty the Snowman
- Santa Claus
- Karen
- Narrator
Narrator: He's everyone's favorite snowman.
Frosty: Happy Birthday!
Narrator: And this holiday, he's being dropped 10000 feet from a helicopter into a wild jungle.
Frosty: Come again? AAAAHHHHH!
Narrator: It's Snowman vs. Wild! Watch him search for food.
Frosty: Where am I going to-? Oh wait. Well, that was easy.
Narrator: Fight off wild animals.
Frosty: Are you kidding me? Animals are my friends. I like rabbits and squirrels and- Huh. I guess that makes it Snowman 2 and wild 0.
Narrator: And struggle for warmth.
Frosty: Please, I've got sticks for hands and coal for eyes. How difficult could it be to start a fire- uh-oh! (he accidentally lights his sticks on fire) AAAH! I'm mel...(he melts into liquid and dies).
Karen: Oh-no, he's gone, he's gone! (starts crying)
Santa: That's OK. He was made of Christmas snow, which means he'll be back again next year- OK, maybe not.
Narrator: It's Snowman vs. Wild!
Snowman vs Wild is a parody of Man vs Wild.