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Mad Cartoon Network Wiki

Spin the Wheel & Win the Cash Before Time Runs Out & Also Maybe Win Prizes! is a short segment found in Papa / 1600 Finn. In this short segment, a person hosts a game show. The game show's title is the title of the short. When the audience is finished shouting the show's name, right before the host can start the round, they're out of time!


Host: And now is time for...

Audience: Spin! The! Wheel! And! Win! The! Cash! Be! Fore! Time! Runs! Out! And! Also! Maybe! Win! Prizes!

Host: Oh-oh, okay! Let's...

[There are two red X's blinking. SIREN!]

Host: Oh, I'm sorry. We're all outta time, so tune in tomorrow for...

Audience: Spin! The! Wheel! And...!

[Gets interrupted by the MAD logo.]


  • Antagonist: Alfred E. Neuman Statue
  • There is a goof where the host goes behind the word "also".