Still Hungry Games is a take-off of the Hunger Games: Catching Fire.
This segment is from MAD Season 4, Episode 24 (102): Still Hungry Games / Agents of S.M.U.R.F.
The fans demand yet another Hunger Games, and so there is one.
- the Hunger Games
- Spider-Man
- the Lord of the Rings
- Star Wars
- the Dark Knight Rises
- Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice
MAD References[]
- Actless Evergreen (Katniss Everdeen)
- Pita Bread Farts (Peeta Mellark)
- Effie Trinket
- President Snow
- Spider-Man
- Gandalf the Grey
- Luke Skywalker
- Batman
- Sketch Stork (cameo)
- Ben Affleck
Effie Trinket: Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the winners of the 74th Hunger Games, Actless Evergreen and the other one. (Whisper) Oh right. Pita Bread Farts.
Actless Evergreen: These Hunger Games fans are nuts. I can't wait till this is all over, and we'll never have to talk about Hunger Games ever again.
Pita Bread Farts: Oh yeah, yeah, me too. I also have other movies to make and talk about.
President Snow: Hello, everyone. Do you love Hunger Games?
"More than any life!"
President Snow: Then you're in luck because we're doing another one.
Actless Evergreen: Hold on. I'm not going to make another Hunger Games movie, I won an Academy Award.
Pita Bread Farts: Yeah, I'm also not going to make another Hunger Games movie because, well... she won an Academy Award.
President Snow: Listen, you too. If you don't do this sequel, then other characters will think they don't have to do their sequels. In fact, it's time to teach you all a lesson.
Actless Evergreen: Will that lesson be in the form of a hunger game?
President Snow: Hmm. Probably. People still eat this stuff up.
Actless Evergreen: Don't worry, we already won a Hunger Games. This will be easy.
"You have no idea what we're up against. Last time you were fighting kids, this time you'll be fighting other characters from long running franchises. Spider-Man. Gandalf. Luke Skywalker."
Luke Skywalker: I don't think it's such a good idea to bring me out of retirement. I am not getting any younger.
"And Batman."
Batman: You know what? This is dumb. Batman out,
Effie Trinket: Oh-no. Who will replace Batman?
Sketch Stork: I brought Ben Affleck.
Effie Trinket: Everyone fine with Ben Affleck? Speak now or forever hold your peace. Because if he stars in this, he'll probably be Batman from now on.
"Let the 75th Hunger Games begin! And kill each other."
Pita Bread Farts: Who are you!
Ben Affleck: I'm Ben Affleck.
Pita Bread Farts: (laughing) I'm sorry, i just still can't get used to that.
Gandalf: Wait, wait, I'm on your side.
Actless Evergreen: What?
Gandalf: Didn't Haymitch tell you, we're all sick of sequels, we're going to team up and break out of here.
Actless Evergreen: Oh, OK. So what's the plan?
Gandalf: Luke. Do your thing.
Luke Skywalker: Help! I'm stuck. Thanks. Ow! Not getting any younger.
Actless Evergreen: President Snow, we are not doing any more sequels.
President Snow: It doesn't matter anymore. You see, I have a secret weapon.
Actless Evergreen: And what's that?
Pita Bread Farts: It's me.
Actless Evergreen: Pita? But you wanted to stop making Hunger Games movies?
Pita Bread Farts: No, I didn't. I want to make them forever. What else am I going to do? In fact, I'm going to make all of your movies to.
President Snow: Peter, we have a letter here from everybody in the world, and they say they prefer Ben Affleck as Batman.
Pita Bread Farts: Oh.
- This is the fourth time the Hunger Games gets spoofed.
- This may as well be a sequel to The Blunder Games.
- This is the fourth appearance of the Sketch Stork, but he made a cameo in this sketch. The previous appearances were:
- As in Wreck It Gandalph, the sketch refers to The Lord of the Rings, Spiderman, Batman and Star Wars, as movies with too many sequels.
- With the difference that in Wreck It Gandalph It was also mentioned to Harry Potter.