Mad Cartoon Network Wiki

Stop-motion cartoons are an animated thing to make the thing walk and talk on its own.

Stop-motion cartoons from Season 1[]

Avaturd / CSiCarly[]

TransBOREmores / Star Wars: the Groan Wars[]

2012 Dalmatians / Grey's in Anime[]

  • (Trunk Joke)

Star Blecch / uGlee[]

  • (Caller ID)

Pirates of the Neverland: At Wit's End / Batman Family Feud[]

Cliffordfield / Big Time Rushmore[]

Fantastic Megan Fox / MAD vs. Wild[]

I Love You, Iron Man / Ben 10 Franklin[]

Class of the Titans / Zeke and Lex Luthor[]

S'UP / Mouse M.D.[]

Da Grinchy Code / Duck[]

  • (MAD News segment, Big B-- JACOB!!!) (Parody of Little Red Riding Hood and Jacob Black)

Snott Pilgrim vs. the Wonderful World of Disney / Malcolm in the Middle Earth[]

  • (MAD News segment, Papers Get Surrounded By Scissors)

Pokémon Park / WWER[]

  • (Fire Extinguisher Trapped)

So You Think You Can Train Your Dragon How to Dance / Yo Gagga Gagga![]

The Straight A-Team / Gaming's Next Top Princess[]

The Buzz Identity / Two and a Half Man[]

  • (Now Serving Number 2 and Mummy Thinks the Store is Closed)

Are You Karate Kidding Me? / The Fresh Prawn of Bel-Air[]

  • (Rooster Wake-up)

HOPS / Naru210[]

  • (Astronaut meets Swimmer)

Ko-Bee Movie / Law & Ogre[]

Pooh Grit / Not a Fan a Montana[]

  • (Potato Says About the French Fry, "She’s Definitely Got Work Done!")

The Social Netjerk / Smallville: Turn Off the Clark[]

TwiGH School Musical / Avenger Time[]

  • (Fish Complaining About Worms)

ArTHOR / The Big Fang Theory[]

Ribbitless / The Clawfice[]

Force Code / Flammable[]

Stop-motion cartoons from Season 2[]

RiOa / Thomas the Unstoppable Tank Engine[]

  • (Tomato Dislikes Ketchup)

Super 80's / Captain America's Got Talent[]

Note: This is the first time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Kung Fu Blander / Destroy Bob the Builder Destroy[]

  • (Farmer Gets Milk for the Cow)

Pirates of the Pair of Tweens / Konan the Kardashian[]

Note: Second time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Fast Hive / Minute to Flynn It[]

Cowboys & Alien Force / ThunderLOLcats[]

Note: Third time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

TransBOREmores 3: Dark of the Blue Moon / The Walking Fred[]

Note: Fourth time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

X Games: First Class / Criminal Minecraft[]

Kitchen Nightmares Before Christmas / How I Met Your Mummy[]

Dances with Wolverine: A Footloose Parody / Tater Tots & Tiaras[]

Note: Fifth time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Moneyball Z / Green Care Bear[]

  • (Stunt Turkey)

Spy vs. Spy Kids / The Superhero Millionaire Matchmaker[]

Note: Sixth time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Captain American't / My Supernatural Sweet 16[]

FROST / Undercover Claus[]

Note: Seventh time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Twilight: Staking Dawn / Cookie Blue[]

WWe Bought a ZOO / 2 Broke Powerpuff Girls[]

Note: Eighth time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

DolPhineas and Ferb Tale / VICTORious[]

  • (Pillsbury Dough Boy Conference) (Spoof on Pillsbury Dough Boy)

My Little War Horse / The Tonight Show with Jay Lion-O[]

Note: Ninth time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Al Pacino and the Chipmunks / That's What Super Friends Are For[]

Real Veal / Celebrity Wife Swamp[]

Note: 10th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion. That's 10, count 'em 10!

Garfield of Dreams / I Hate My Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles[]

The Adventures of TaunTaun / Everybody Loves Rayman[]

Note: 11th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Potions 11 / Moves Like Jabba[]

Addition Impossible / New Gill[]

Note: 12th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

iChronicle / Hulk Smash[]

Note: 13th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Stop-motion cartoons from Season 3[]

The Iron Giant Lady / Raising a New Hope[]

Note: 14th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Yawn Carter / Franklin & Crash[]

Note: 15th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Battleship vs. Titanic / Jurassic Parks and Recreation[]

Note: 16th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Betty White & the Huntsman / Ancient Greek MythBusters[]

Note: 17th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

I Am Lorax / Modern Family Circus[]

Note: 18th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

This Means War Machine / iCharlie[]

Note: 19th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

The Mixed Martial Artist / Aquaman vs. Wild[]

Note: 20th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion. Yep, count 'em, 20!

The Blunder Games / The Poop-seidon Adventure[]

Note: 21st time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Average-ers / Legend of Dora[]

Note: 22nd time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Men in Black to the Future / Pokémon of Interest[]

Note: 23rd time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Icarus / Adjustment Burro[]

Note: 24th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Taking Nemo / Once Upon a Toon[]

Note: 25th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Outtagascar / F·I·E·N·D·S[]

Note: 26th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

The Amazing Spider-Minaj / Go, Dragon Ball, Go![]

Note: 27th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

FrankenWinnie / ParaMorgan[]

Note: 28th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Dark Knight at the Museum / Lemming Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Video Game Deaths[]

Note: 29th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Total Recall Me Baby / The Asgardigans[]

Note: 30th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion. Wow, amazing!

The Bourne Leg-a-Turkey / PilGrimm[]

Note: 31st time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Here Comes the Doom / Brain Purge[]

Note: 32nd time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Fantastic Four Christmases / Red & White Collar[]

Note: 33rd time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Hip Hop Hobbit / The Monday Project[]

Note: 34th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

The Perks of Being a Wallcrawler / Regular Shogun Warriors[]

Note: 35th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Twilight: Breaking Down / GOllum ON[]

Note: 36th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Life of Rhyme / Here Comes Yogi Boo Boo[]

Note: 37th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Reply All / Randy Savage: 9th Grade Wrestler[]

Note: 38th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

George Washington: Cherry Tree Chopper / Star Wars Earned Stripes[]

Note: 39th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Stop-motion cartoons from Season 4[]

Linkong / Rainbow Dash & Bernstein[]

Note: 40th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion. YAY!

Pokémonsters, Inc. / Bane & Kate[]

Note: 41st time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Wreck It Gandalph / The Big Bird Theory[]

Note: 42nd time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Les the Miz / The Lex Factor[]

Note: 43rd time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Papa / 1600 Finn[]

Note: 44th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

G.I. E.I. Joe / Dog with a Captain's Log[]

Note: 45th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

"S" Cape from Planet Earth / The X-Mentalist[]

Note: 46th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

POblivion / Umbrellamentary[]

Note: 47th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Jaws the Great and Powerful / Old Spock's Off Their Spockers[]

Note: 48th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Jacks the Giant Slayers / The Most Beautiful Voice[]

Note: 49th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

The Great Batsby / Big Time Gold Rush[]

Note: 50th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion. A NEW WORLD RECORD!!

First White House Down / McDuck Dynasty[]

Note: 51st time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

After Bert / Downton Shaggy[]

Note: 52nd time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Lone Rango / Doctor Who's Line is it Anyway?[]

Note: 53rd time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Iron Bland 3 / Monsters Community[]

Note: 54th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Star Blecch Into Dumbness / Stark Tank[]

Note: 55th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

The Flash & the Furious / Saved by Adele[]

Note: 56th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Lukewarm Bodies / Does Someone Have to GOa?[]

Note: 57th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Pacific Ring / Horton Hears a Whodunnit![]

Note: 58th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

World War ZZZ / SHAZAM! & Cat[]

Note: 59th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Doraline / Monster Mashville[]

Note: 60th time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion. ALRIGHT!!

MAD's 100th Episode Special[]

  • (Spy vs. Spy segment #1 - MAD's 100th Episode Stolen, Number 100 Carved Out of Marble, Hole in the Shape of the Number 100, Alfred E. Neuman Popping Out of the Cake, Spy vs. Spy segment #2, and Number 100 Reflection)

Note: 61st time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Dullverine / Under the Dumb[]

Note: 62nd time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Still Hungry Games / Agents of S.M.U.R.F.[]

Note: 63rd time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.

Alfred's Game / We Are X-Men[]

Note: 64th and final time Spy vs. Spy was done in stop-motion.


  • In MAD Season 2, some of the stop-motion cartoons are Spy vs. Spy segments.
  • Episode 5 and Episode 37 are the only episodes that don't have a stop-motion cartoon.
  • Starting with Episode 51 and ending with Episode 103, the stop-motion cartoons were currently Spy vs. Spy segments.
  • There are 64 Spy vs. Spy segments to be in stop-motion.
  • The Stop Motion cartoons are very familiar to Robot Chicken, Cartoon Network's stop motion parody cartoon aired on it's brother company Adult Swim's block on their shared channel late at night.