Mad Cartoon Network Wiki
Mad Cartoon Network Wiki

The Stunt Turkey gets roasted in an oven on Thanksgiving. This stop-motion cartoon is from the episode, Money Ball Z / Green Care Bear.


Turkey: Okay, so you’re gonna wanna rub me with butter, (rubs butter on himself) and liberally season me with salt. (sprinkles salt on himself) Then I go into a 350-degree oven for 3 to 4 hours. (opens the oven door) Okay, guys. Where’s the stunt turkey?

Crew Member: (pushes the turkey into the oven) You are the stunt turkey!

Turkey: No, wait! I was doing this to get my union card!

Crew Member: Don’t worry, kid. You’re going in there a turkey, but you’re coming out... (closes the oven door) A DELICIOUS TURKEY!
