Mad Cartoon Network Wiki

Summary of TV Show[]

MAD The Cleveland Show

The Cleveland Show is an American animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane, Richard Appel, and Mike Henry for the Fox Broadcasting Company. Serving as a spin-off of Family Guy, the series centered on the Browns and Tubbs, two dysfunctional families consisting of parents Cleveland Brown and Donna Tubbs and their children Cleveland Brown Jr., Roberta Tubbs, and Rallo Tubbs. Similar to Family Guy, it exhibited much of its humor in the form of cutaway gags that often lampoon American culture, though it uses significantly fewer than Family Guy.

For more information about The Cleveland Show, see here.

Appearances in Show[]

Season 2[]

  • Episode 22 (48) Garfield of Dreams: Seth MacFarlane sits in his writer's room and comes up with an idea for a show. He says "Let's see, an annoying dad, a screwed up family and a talking anima-- no, alie-- no, animal. Yep! Original!". The joke is that this is not an original idea, since Seth has already made three shows about annoying dads, screwed up families, and talking animals. One of which is The Cleveland Show.

