Check out the lesser-known effects of global warming!
The Lesser-Known Effects[]
- Polar bears who move onto your couch and only watch Glee.
- After fish run out, penguins seek humans to eat.
- Christmas specials tell Grandma the backstory of what snow was.
Announcer: The Lesser-Known Effects of Global Warming. Polar bears have lost their habitat. They'll move on to your couch and watch only Glee.
High School Gang: (Singing) Singing in high school...
Announcer: Polar bears loved Glee. After the fish ran out, penguins will seek out their next favorite food: Humans. And christmas specials will have a lenghty backstory as opposed to what snow was.
Grandma: It was cold and wet and came from the sky.
Girl: Whatever grandma Frosty the Dirtman is on.
(segment ends)
- Announcer
- Man #1
- Polar Bears
- Penguins
- The fish
- Man #2
- Grandma
- Girl
- Frosty the Snowman (Frosty the Dirtman)
- Singing in High School reappears in the uGlee segment from the next episode.
- There is a "Hobo Hotel" Graffiti in the wall close to the penguins, clearly a pun on Habbo Hotel.