This skit is from the episode So You Think You Can Train Your Dragon How to Dance / Yo Gagga Gagga!.
A classic coming-of-age tale about a man who explodes easily!
Announcer: This week on "The Man who Forgot his Hand is a Bomb"...
(In Park)
Person: Hey, man. I totally aced that test!
Man: High five! No, wait-
(Playing Twister)
Person: Alright, right hand green.
Man: I got it!
(while playing baseball, someone throws a ball)
Man: I got it!
(a fly buzzes around, the man swats it with the bomb hand)
Waitress: Careful, that coffee's hot.
Man: I know. I almost burnt my li-
(making a buisness deal)
Boss: Sir, you have yourself a deal. Let's shake on it. No wait, I have a cold. We should fist bump!
Man: No, wait!
Announcer: "The Man who Forgot his Hand is a Bomb"! Now entering its 4th season.
- The man with the bomb gets killed 6 times.
- The different skits in the sketch depict stages of the title character's life, including high school, college, first job, adulthood, and buying a company.