The Walking Fred is a crossover between the Walking Dead and Fred Figglehorn.
This segment is from MAD Season 2, Episode 7 (33): TransBOREmores 3: Dark of the Blue Moon / The Walking Fred.
An Internet viral video goes viral for real... as an army of zombies!
- Fred (Internet series and movies)
- Lucas Cruikshank
- Selena Gomez (lead singer of Letters To Cleo)
- Justin Bieber
- Tom Hanks
- Cloud Atlas
- Julia Roberts
- Larry Crowne
- Bruce Willis
- Tom Cruise
- Jim Carrey
- Ocean's Eleven
- George Clooney
- Brad Pitt
- Justin Bieber
- Selena Gomez (lead singer of Letters To Cleo)
- Fred (Lucas Cruikshank)
- News Reporter
- Tom Hanks (WARNING: In his outfit from Cloud Atlas'!)
- Julia Roberts
- Bruce Willis
- Fred Zombies
- Ocean's Fourteen Trailer Announcer
- Fred George Clooney
- Fred Brad Pitt
(Scene begins with Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez at a campsite. Justin is playing guitar.)
Selena Gomez: Oh, Justin. Did you plan this special night just for me?
Justin Bieber: You are my girlfriend, are you?
Selena Gomez: Now and forever!
Justin Bieber: (gasp) What was that?
(Fred shadow slowly walks forward.)
Justin Bieber: (gasp) Take her, I have staying power!
(Scene goes back to Fred shadow.)
Fred: Hi, I'm Fred! My mom says I'm too hyper! But I think she's mean!
(Justin and Selena run, screaming.)
(Fred bites Justin and Selena.)
Fred Justin Bieber and Fred Selena Gomez: Fame!
(Title card: The Walking Fred)
News Reporter: I'm reporting live from downtown LA, where internet celebrity Fred Figglehorn has transformed form a viral video into a real world virus.
(Fred bites the reporter.)
Fred News Reporter: My neighbor's dog is scary! Wah!
(TV turns off.)
Man at Desk: See? The internet is where the action is. That's why you're not connecting with your audience. Let me ask you: Have you ever considered a web series?
Tom Hanks: We're major Hollywood stars! Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, hello!
Julia Roberts: I was in Larry Crowne.
Tom Hanks: You were?
Man at Desk: What's a Larry Crowne?
(Fred shatters the window.)
Fred: There's a bully at school who's so mean!
Fred Man #1: I wet the bed!
Fred Old Lady: I'm afraid to talk to girls!
(A bunch of Fred zombies show up and overtake the man.)
Tom Hanks: Run!
(Tom and Julia flee.)
Tom Hanks: I don't get all this Fred stuff. Are we immune, or just out of touch?
(Two Fred zombies infect an old man.)
Fred Old Man: My mom says I'm not allowed to swim in the pool anymore! That makes me mad! Gahh!
(The Fred zombies start zeroing in on their prey.)
Julia Roberts: Into that mall!
(Tom and Julia run into the mall. Julia slams the doors shut, and Tom shoves a fat kid with a "Kevin" T-shirt in front of it. The zombies recoil as the fat kid crosses his arms and gives a stern look.)
(Julia glances over her shoulder. Tom follows.)
Julia Roberts: *screams*
(The camera zooms out to reveal Fred T-shirts at a store.)
Julia Roberts: Oh, Phew, it's just a shirt. Wait! He has his own T-shirt?!
Tom Hanks: You know, that's actually frightening me more than the zombies.
(Glass shatters)
(Scene cuts to a shadow holding a weapon)
???: Psst! Guys, over here.
(Tom and Julia run into the boarded-up store. Bruce finishes boarding it up.)
Tom Hanks: Bruce Willis? What's going on out there?
Bruce Willis: It's a nightmare. Everyone's turning into Freds. They already got Tom Cruise and Jim Carrey.
(Tom and Julia shrug their shoulders)
Tom Hanks: Eh, that's okay.
Julia Roberts: Eh, they'll be fine.
Fred Tom Cruise: Show me the candy!
(The zombified Jim Carrey suddenly pounces on Bruce and bites him. Tom hits Cruise with a tennis racket.)
Tom Hanks: Oh, no! Bruce got bitten! He's infected! Let's get out of here!
(Bruce struggles against the infection, but to no avail.)
Julia Roberts: We can't just leave him.
(Suddenly, Bruce rises up, having succumbed to the infection.)
Fred Bruce Willis: I don't wanna go to gym class! My hair hurts! Wah!
(The rest of the zombies suddenly burst through the boards.)
Julia Roberts: Is this the end? My career can't end on Larry Crowne!
(Zombies start to close in from all directions.)
Tom Hanks: We need to be brave! Hang on and- Hey, you know, Larry Crowne wasn't that bad. Was it that bad? Seriously, was it?
(Crckets chirp in the background.)
Julia Roberts: They didn't see it. No one saw it.
Tom Hanks: We'll they'll see the next thing I do. (CHOMP!) AAAAAAHHHHHHH!
Announcer: Coming soon to a theater near you, it's Ocean's Fourteen starring Freds!
Fred Tom Hanks: Wah! We have to break into a candy vault to steal all the candy. What do you think, Fred George Clooney?
Fred George Clooney: I want all the candy for myself!
Fred Brad Pitt: Well, I'm Fred Brad Pitt and I say I should have the candy!
Fred Julia Roberts: But I'm a girl! Ladies first!
(indistinct conversation)
Announcer: Ocean's Fourteen! It's only a matter of time.
(segment ends)
- Antagonists: Fred Zombies
- Protagonists: Tom Hanks & Julia Roberts
- Tom Hanks already made a web series called Electric City.
- The store "Fat Gothic" may be a take on Hot Topic.
- Tom Hanks is wearing the same outfit from Cloud Atlas.
- Even though Tom Hanks is wearing his same outfit from Cloud Atlas, it is not Yellow and White, it is instead Black and Red.
- In the segment, Julia Roberts says nobody saw Larry Crowne.
- Fred Figglehorn's voice sounds like Simon Seville from Alvin and the Chipmunks.
- In Shyla Dub, the Fred Zombies look like the minions from Despicable Me.
- In the Internet series, the "R" in Fred's name on his T-shirts and webpage is backwards, stylized as FЯED. But in the segment, the "E" is backwards instead.
- This happened 2 years after as a live action sketch on Awesomeness TV.
- Coincidentally, an actual Ocean's Fourteen is currently in development.
- Goof: At the end of this sketch, the movie trailer for the fake Ocean's Eleven sequel, Ocean's Fourteen, Kevin Shinick's normal voice was un-high pitched.
- On Steven K.L. Olson's Caricature page, Jim Carrey was going to have a small cameo in this but was left out and only mentioned in this sketch after the final draft of the episode was aired.
- Julia Roberts' outfit was a orange shirt and blue pants but in the final, her shirt is navy blue and wore white pants.
- Also, Justin Bieber's outfit was a red sleeved shirt, white t-shirt and blue pants but in the final, he wore a purple sweat shirt instead.