This ad is a take-off of the Woman in Black.
This ad is from the episode Yawn Carter / Franklin & Crash.
Watching someone watching the Woman in Black is better than watching the Woman in Back.
- Harry Potter
- John Carter
- Daniel Radcliffe
- Woman
Announcer: If you thought The Woman in Black was unnerving...
Daniel Radcliffe: I'm very good in this.
Announcer: Then you'll love...
Woman: Is that Harry Potter? You look shorter! Where's the cute girl?
Daniel Radcliffe: Shhh! Keep it down back there!
Announcer: The Woman in Back! She's LOUD...
Woman: *Chewing loudly and spilling popcorn*
Daniel Radcliffe: I'm sorry. Did you come here to watch a movie, or to chew?
Woman: *Mumbing with mouthful*
Daniel Radcliffe: Ugh!
Announcer: She's ANNOYING...
Woman: *Gasps* Who's that guy? Is he bad? Wait, I thought that guy was that guy! Do you die in the end!?
Daniel Radcliffe: If you watch the movie, you'd find out!
Announcer: And she NEVER... STOPS... TALKING!!!
Woman: Yeah! No for real, I'm sitting right behind him! The guy from Harry Potter! And that other movie. What's it called? The Woman in... uh... something, or other?
Daniel Radcliffe: Black! The Woman in Black! You're watching it right now!
Woman: I'm gonna have to call you back.
Daniel Radcliffe: Good!
Woman: 'Cause I have another call!
Daniel Radcliffe: *Groans loudly and angrily*
Announcer: The Woman in Back! Because watching someone watching The Woman in Black is better than watching The Woman in Black!
Daniel Radcliffe: *Is passed out with black eyes, hanging over seat, until hears blender, which he turns around and then back*
Woman: You want a smoothie!?
5-Second Cartoon[]
Woman: Ugh, this movie is worse than John Carter! Oh, you didn't see it? Well, let me tell you about it!
- The woman sounds like Loretta Lockhorn from Garfield of Dreams and Truffles from Chowder. This is not a coincidence, because they're all voiced by Tara Strong.