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Mad Cartoon Network Wiki

This cartoon is from the episode The Amazing Spider-Minaj / Go, Dragon Ball, Go!.

Summary of Skit[]

The announcer shows us things that would be better if they bounced.


Announcer: MAD Presents... Things That Would Be Better If They Bounced!

(Cut to a girl licking ice cream while walking)

Announcer: Ice cream.

(The girl trips on the rock and the ice cream bounces back from the ground and lands on the cone. The girl licks the ice cream)

Girl: Mmm. Tastes like dirt now!

(Cut to a playground with four children)

Announcer: Rain!

(A thunderclap sound can be heard, and then the rain starts, with raindrops bouncing everywhere. Three of the children run away)

Boy 1: Cool.

(A raindrop knocks out the boy. Cut to another boy dribbling outside the garage with a ball)

Announcer: Your dog.

(The mother opens the door)

Mother: Didn't I tell you to stop playing and take the dog out!?

Boy 2: I did!

(The ball unrolls itself to reveal his pet dog. The boy throws the dog atop the net, and then the dog falls and bounces, landing on its own. Cut to a man chewing gum right next to a wall.)

Announcer: And gum.

(The man spits out the gum and the gum goes back into his man)

Man: It just makes sense.

(The man continues chewing the gum)

Announcer: And those are just the few of the things that would better if they bounced!

(The sketch ends)


