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This Mike Wartella skit is from the episode FROST / Undercover Claus.

Summary of Skit[]

Bobby and Bobby Jr. get time machines for Christmas... resulting in a quick demonstration on why time machines are not toys.

Transcript Act 1[]

(Christmas Eve. Bobby Jr. with his Mom and Pop in company, unwraps the big Christmas gift... revealing to be a Time Machine.)

Bobby Jr.: Oh, boy! A time machine!

(Bobby Jr. climbs aboard the time machine, closes the door, and... WHOOSH!)

Mother: Uh, don't you think we should have talked about this first?

Bobby Sr: Oh, what's the harm? I got one when I was his age.


Transcript Act 2[]

Bobby Sr as a kid: Oh, boy! A time machine!

(The other time machine comes)

Bobby Jr: Oh, boy! It works!

Bobby Sr as a kid: Who are you?

Bobby Jr: I'm your son from the future! You gave me a time machine too.

Bobby Sr as a kid: Hey, I like yours better!

Bobby Jr: No, it's mine! (Kid Bobby Sr. kicks him down) Get your hands OFF!

(BANG! Bobby Jr. lands Kid Bobby Sr a Home Run KO hit in the noggin... then realizes what he's done.)

Bobby Jr: Oh, no! I've jeopardized my own existence!

(As a temporal way of saying "I warned you!", Bobby Jr. fades from existence, dropping the Titor Baseball Bat back into its packaging.)

Bobby Sr's Mother: Don't you think we should have talked about this first?

Bobby Sr's Father: Yeah. Probably.
