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This skit is from the episode Pirates of the Neverland: At Wit's End / Batman Family Feud.

Summary of Skit[]

In a parody of a Toys "R" Us commercial, four toys are being advertised as part of the Toys 4 Brats store chain: Baby-Cutz-A-Lot (Baby-Laughs-A-Lot) LECTRO-Land Playsets (LEGO Land Playsets) Meat Farm (Ant Farm) Skill Saw (Jigsaw) and Play-Don't! Radioactive Gloop (Play-Doh!). Also includes a spoof of Toys "R" Us' slogan 'The world's greatest toy store'.


Phillip G Llama: I want to throw up, those kids are real rats, so that's why I send them to my Toys "4" Brats!

Announcer: This week at Toys "4" Brats, check out Baby Cutz-A-Lot...

Phillip G Llama: That's got to hurt.

Announcer: LECTRO-Land Playsets...

Phillip G Llama: ZOWIE!

Announcer: Meat Farm...

Phillip G Llama: Woah.

Announcer: Skill Saw....

Phillip G Llama: That's sharp!

Announcer: ...and Play Don't! Radioactive Gloop.

Phillip G Llama: So when you're swinging your kids, like you're swinging at gnats - just send them down to Toys "4" Brats!

Announcer: The world's biggest rip-off!


  • Boy #3 is thrown and flinged by the llama and his bat. (Non-Death)



  • This skit is based on an original cartoon strip by Mike Wartella published December 9, 1998. This fact is stated on M. Wartella's website, where anyone can also see the original comic:
  • The skit parodies Toys "R" Us.
  • The Llama has dollar signs all over him and is a parody of Geoffrey the Giraffe.
  • LECTRO-Land is a parody of LEGO sets.
  • Play Don’t parodies Play-Doh.
  • Morttel is a parody of Mattel
  • Hazbio is a parody of Hasbro.
  • Before airing, the commercial was supposed to end with the llama hitting a baby with his bat while singing "So when you get a big urge to hit those kids with a bat..." This was changed at the last minute.
  • This skit has violent content and blood in it, but is not removed from Cartoon Network censorship. In Cartoon Network Latin America, however, Baby-Cutz-A-Lot and Skill Saw were censored.
  • Some brands were owned by different companies like Baby Cutz-A-Lot and Meat Farm.
  • This is the first Mike Wartella segment which is also an Ad Parodies segment.