This is a parody of YouTube and Family Feud.
Summary of skit[]
As pointless as the Internet.
Announcer:Now it's time for the Tube Feud! The show where families has to guess the videos top 5 Internet comments.[]
Steve Harvey:All right, 100 people commented top 5 answers on the board. For $1,000, what we're the top comments for this video?[]
Baby: (sucking lemon) (sticks out tounge and lemon) (coos)
Player:Oh, is it doll?[]
Steve Harvey:She says doll, the survey says...
(Buzzes wrong answer)
Steve Harvey:Oh, I'm sorry, the top 5 comments were First!; followed by Fail...; LOLFAIL; I made $500 at home today and you can too!; and Very funny! Check out my video! Those were the top 5 comments, Same as every video ever!
Announcer:The Tube Feud! As pointless as the Internet.
Trivia and Goofs:[]
1.In Family Feud, he usually wears blue clothes with a different tie. In this skit, he was wearing a blue shirt, blue pants and a purple tie.
2.One of the comments in the answers were use in Youtube.