Summary of Character[]
Twilight Sparkle is a female unicorn pony and the leading protagonist of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. After the events of the first episode, she moves from Canterlot to Ponyville in order to continue the study of friendship under Princess Celestia's tutelage, and regularly maintains correspondence with the Princess. She lives at the town's library along with her assistant, Spike, and her pet owl, Owlowiscious. Her older brother Shining Armor is introduced in the two-part finale of the second season. Shining Armor marries Twilight's former foalsitter, Princess Cadance, which inducts Twilight into royalty; she is listed as royalty on trading cards of Cadance and Shining Armor. She represents the element of magic.
Character Appearances in MAD[]
Season 2[]
- Episode 19 (45) My Little War Horse: Twilight Sparkle appears as part of the Central Powers.
- Episode 25 (51) My Little PWNY: Twilight Sparkle beats up the human children in the ad.
Season 3[]
- Episode 10 (62) CelebMD: The old lady has a picture of Twilight Sparkle on her wall.
- Episode 11 (63) Adjustment Burro: Eeyore (Winnie-the-Pooh) falls in love with Twilight Sparkle in a movie trailer spoof of the Adjustment Bureau.
- In all of her appearances in this show, she is not voiced by Rachel Ramras, except played by Tara Strong, her actual actress on Friendship is Magic.