Glee Spoof from Mad (TV Show)
uGlee is a take-off of Glee.
This segment is from MAD Season 1, Episode 4: Star Blecch / uGlee.
The Glee club sing a song about singing in high school to probably raise more money when they lose their funding.

MAD References[]
- Principal Figgins
- Will Schuester
- Sue Sylvester
- Rachel Berry
- Finn Hudson
- Quinn Fabray
- Noah "Puck" Puckerman
- Mercedes Jones
- Kurt Hummel
- Artie Abrams
- Tina Cohen-Chang
- Santana Lopez
- Emma Pillsbury
- Brad the Piano Guy
- Zac Efron (as Troy Bolton)
- Victoria Justice
- Jonas Brothers
- Miley Cyrus (as Hannah Montana)
- White Spy (in a cheerleader outfit, taking the role of Brittany)
- Mr. T (brief cameo during the part mentioning Puck's hairstyle being "from '83")
(Scene begins at McKinley High, in Lima, Ohio, in the principal's office.)
Principal Figgins: I'm afraid there's no money in the budget for Glee Club.
Will Schuester: How can you be so sure?
Principal Figgins: Well, for starters, (cuts to Figgins sitting on Brittany) we're using the cheerleaders as chairs now.
Will Schuester: Uhh, how can my group compete with screameos?
Sue Sylvester: They can't. My girls are beautiful and they're invulnerable. (smashes Santana with a lamp)
Will Schuester: I think you're confusing them with the cheerleader from Heroes.
Sue Sylvester: An easy mistake. They're both popular and they both bring in the crowd. Unlike your pile of--
Principal Figgins: Don't say it! We don't have enough money in the budget for a censor, either.
Sue Sylvester: Too bad, because they are uhhhh...
Chorus: ♫ Glee! ♫
(Scene changes to the title card, uGlee, but the "U" sweeps "Glee" away)
Will Schuester: Oh yeah? You'll see. We'll bring in the crowd the same way all those teen shows do it.
Sue Sylvester: What's that?
(Music starts)
♫ Just some high school squares / Some jocks, some girls, one's in a chair ♫
♫ Trying hard to stay on key... dodging red slushees ♫
♫ She hates germs / They're told to spy / Not quite sure if that's a guy *burps* ♫
♫ But no matter what it's called, it's a lot like High School Musical! ♫ (Zac Efron, as Troy Bolton, appears holding a "High School Musical" sign, but gets whacked)
♫ Singing in high school / Seems to be the thing that's cool / So we'll do it too, this makes the show #5 ♫ (Zac appears again, and gets whacked again)
♫ The Jonas Brothers sang ♫
♫ Awee-hee-hee! ♫
♫ Hannah Montana croons ♫
♫ Ooo-hoo-hoo! ♫
♫ VICTORiOUS is filled with tunes ♫
♫ It's cheap; It's lame; we're all just copying Fame! ♫
♫ Singing in high school, / Seems to be the only rule / Forget plot ♫
♫ Who are we trying to foooooool? ♫
♫ No need for originality / His hairstyle's from '83... And this gesture is our sole choreography... It's all schlock! ♫
Will Schuester: What do you think? Can Glee stay?
Principal Figgins: I don't know. There wasn't enough money in the budget for an ending.
Chorus: ♫ Glee! ♫

Will Schuester walking out to prove to Sue that his team can compete
- MAD Magazine also did a parody of Glee called Glee-tarded on Issue 506 which features the same art style.
- That parody was also drawn by Tom Richmond.
- uGlee reappeared in GleeVR.
- Innuendo: In one scene of Sue Sylvester, the teens are singing "Not quite sure if that's a guy".
- This is the first time that White Spy appeared in a main segment except Spy vs. Spy.
- Antagonists: Sue Sylvester and Principal Figgins
- The song and Glee first appeared in The Lesser Known Effects of Global Warming that two polar bears watched and loved Glee.
- This is the third segment that the name of a MAD parody is said. The first was TransBOREmores and the second was the beginning movie segment in this episode of MAD.
- During the song, Kurt is erroneously identified as a jock ("some jocks, some girls..."), which is especially jarring since one of the first scenes of the original Glee shows him being thrown into a trashcan by the jocks, Puck and Finn included (though Finn did show some kindness by removing Kurt's name-brand jacket).
- Singing in High School is a loosely parody of Don't Stop Believin' by Journey, covered by Glee in its pilot.
Lyrics: See the transcript for complete song lyrics.
Download: Singing in High School on