Mad Cartoon Network Wiki
Mad Cartoon Network Wiki

This wiki is so 2010 with many misinformations and lies like come on now! 😭 Back in 2012 when I first came on this wiki and before I got an user profile in 2023, I was okay with but after the 2010s ended and I grew into my 20s, this wiki felt so outdated and filled with stuff that is misleading. Here's my complain on this wiki:

  • "This X is similar to Y"
    • Each segment's animation are done by a different animator, a character designer or a production company and it's not "similar" to a different segment. All the sketches in this show have different concepts but have the same each animator like for example: CSiCarly has Tom Richmond's caricatures but was animated by either Mark Marek or some unknown animator.

That's my complain on this wiki. You people are still obsessed with the word, "similar". 😓