Mad Cartoon Network Wiki

Summary of Skit[]

(Dolphineas and Ferb Tale / VICTORious)

Justin Bieber plays at a basketball game where there's a lot of crazy stuff, and something's wrong with him. Can you guess what?

(Garfield of Dreams / I Hate My Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

Jay-Z visits the airport on his own where there's a lot of crazy stuff, and something's also wrong with him. Can you guess what?

Transcript: Dolphineas and Ferb Tale / VICTORious[]

What's wrong with this picture of Justin Bieber?

(Craziness happens.)

Duh! Everyone knows Justin never carries anything smaller than $100 bills. This is being what's wrong with this picture!

Transcript: Garfield of Dreams / I Hate My Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles[]

What's wrong with this picture of Jay-Z?

(Craziness happens)

That's right! Jay-Z always wears his hat slightly tilted! This is being what's wrong with this picture!
