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Mad Cartoon Network Wiki

Skit from It's a MAD Monkey Special.

Transcript Act 1[]

Narrator: And now, back to Monkey Wheel of Fortune!

Monkey 1: I'd like to solve the puzzle!

Pat Sajak: All right.

Monkey 1: "BAHAMAS"!

Pat Sajak: Ooh! I'm sorry. It's "BANANAS".

Monkey 1: Bananas? Oh, mother of pearl!

Transcript Act 2[]

Narrator: And now, back to Monkey Wheel of Fortune!

Monkey 2: Oh, great. I got this one! "DONKEY SEE DONKEY DO".

Pat Sajak: Wow! I really thought you had this one.

Monkey 2: Are you sure? Because I said "DONKEY SEE"…

Pat Sajak: Yeah, it's wrong! Trust me.

Transcript Act 3[]

Narrator: And now, back to Monkey Wheel of Fortune!

Monkey 3: I would like to solve the puzzle.

Pat Sajak: Yeah, I'm sure you would! Knock yourself out.


(The monkeys act crazy.)

Pat Sajak: I quit!

