This ad is from the episode ArThor/The Big Fang Theory.
This ad is a parody of Yogi Bear and Yu-Gi-Oh!
- Announcer
- Yogi Bear (Yu-Gi-Bear)
- Ranger Smith
- Woman
- Man
- Girl
- Boy
- Amazon of the Seas
- A Smarter-Than-the-Average-Bear trap card
- Gigaplant
- Boo-Boo-Eyes White Dragon
Yu-Gi-Bear takes his feud with Ranger Smith to the next level in the form of card dueling.
Announcer: This summer, hide your picnic baskets, 'cause he's not just smarter than the average bear, but he also has a few tricks on his sleeve.
Announcer: Yu-Gi-Bear! Watch as Yugi Bear battles Ranger Smith.
Ranger Smith: You'll never get that family's picnic basket Yugi.
Yu-Gi-Bear: Try and stop me Ranger.
Yu-Gi-Bear and Ranger Smith: Let's duel!
Woman: I think we have enough for everyone actually.
Announcer: Yu-Gi-Bear!
Ranger Smith: I attack you with the Amazon of the Seas.
Yu-Gi-Bear: Hehehe, but I play with a Smarter-Than-the-Average-Bear trap card.
Man: Uh, okay. So is that it?
Yu-Gi-Bear: Hahahahahahaha, not even close.
Man: Huh, Better pass me a sandwich then.
Announcer: Yu-Gi-Bear! Is it packed with excitement?
Ranger Smith: I special summon Giga Plant which has 2400 attack points.
Announcer: Does a bear play collectable card games in the woods?
Yu-Gi-Bear: Clever strategy, but I play Boo-Boo my Boy Dragon.
Boo-Boo my Boy Dragon: Good move Yugi.
Yu-Gi-Bear: A card with 3000 attack points, that when on the field, allows me to-
Ranger Smith: Uh, actually they left.
Yu-Gi-Bear: Oh, hmm.
Yu-Gi-Bear and Ranger Smith: Yu-Gi-Bear!
Announcer: Yu-Gi-Bear!
- Gigaplant is an actual Yu-Gi-Oh! card, as is Amazon of the Seas.